misfire during heavy rain only!!


Active LVC Member
Aug 24, 2010
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so this has happened to me 3 or 4 times over the past few months, i've been driving to work during heavy rain and gotten a misfire, luckily i live pretty close to work so i just finish driving there park and on my drive home no problems, no signs of misfire.
is it just the coils or is it something else, just seems weird that it only happends during heavy rain (light rain its fine).

please direct me to any threads about this if there are any i tried searching but didn't really find anything about this specifically just hundreds about bad coils and such.

thanks in advance for any help!!
what model year?
the was a TSB for the Gen2 - where the hood seal (to the cowl) was not right and water would get on top of the valve covers and fill the spark plug wells with a little water - causing misfires until the engine warmed up and burned it off.
likely your problem then. to prove it out - next time it rains - before you start the car, open the hood, remove the COP cover (do the passenger side) and see if there is water in the spark plug well.
likely your problem then. to prove it out - next time it rains - before you start the car, open the hood, remove the COP cover (do the passenger side) and see if there is water in the spark plug well.

No COP covers on the gen II V6s that I've seen.
New weatherseal between the hood/cowl.

This is covered under extended warranty for the V8s, but not the V6s, even though the seal is the same for either.

The program number for this problem is 07N09. Maxx may be able to look it up and see which parts you need.
I actually had this problem on my 2000 v6. I verified by pouring a little water where the passenger side wiper comes out of the cowl and turning on the wipers. With the hood open, you have a bad seal if you see water dripping from that area. I assume that after time the foam gets compressed and can not longer expand to seal as the wiper vibrates and shifts as it wipes, allowing water to drip on the motor. On mine it dripped directly on the #6 coil, causing a misfire.

Very easy fix, just pop the two wipers off, then remove the cowl. Remove old seal and replace with a new one. I've (unfortunately) had to do it twice on mine in the past 3 years...
I just realized this has been happening to my LS too. Got really heavy rain in Jersey today, and had a misfire. I guess it will dry out in a couple hours. Where can I buy a new weatherseal for my 04 V6?
I just realized this has been happening to my LS too. Got really heavy rain in Jersey today, and had a misfire. I guess it will dry out in a couple hours. Where can I buy a new weatherseal for my 04?

Maxx (Five Star Ford) would be one source (look to the right).
My '05 V6 was misfiring occasionally, it was worse when it rained. One time in heavy rain it misfired badly and check engine light came on and the car wouldn't go faster than 35 MPH. I replaced the coils and no problems since.
My '05 V6 was misfiring occasionally, it was worse when it rained. One time in heavy rain it misfired badly and check engine light came on and the car wouldn't go faster than 35 MPH. I replaced the coils and no problems since.

How long has it been since you replaced them? I was thinking about just replacing all the coils hoping that it would stop, but I'd figure it would be pointless if the weatherseal's bad and water could get in and ruin new coils. I might try my luck with this set on ebay though since they're my cheapest option.


Anyone here ever buy coils from this seller, let alone ebay?
so i did the water test seemed a little drip of water was dripping through the wiper seal, checked out the seal and it looked pretty worn figured that was the problem, got a new on put in on. i did the water test again just to make sure there was no water gettin through and there wasn't but i instantly got a misfire. i poured the water pretty much right where the wiper bolts are. water is going nowhere near the coils. there are no cracks in the cowl or anything for water to get in. anybody got any ideas what it could be???
so i did the water test seemed a little drip of water was dripping through the wiper seal, checked out the seal and it looked pretty worn figured that was the problem, got a new on put in on. i did the water test again just to make sure there was no water gettin through and there wasn't but i instantly got a misfire. i poured the water pretty much right where the wiper bolts are. water is going nowhere near the coils. there are no cracks in the cowl or anything for water to get in. anybody got any ideas what it could be???

If the coil has already shorted it will need to be replaced. No matter how much you seal the area the coil may already be dead and continue to misfire.
Granted there is probably damage to the coils, I think it would misfire not just when water was gettin in. I don't wanna replace the coils just to have them damaged because I haven't fixed the problem
Granted there is probably damage to the coils, I think it would misfire not just when water was gettin in. I don't wanna replace the coils just to have them damaged because I haven't fixed the problem

well heres an idea, why dont you take the whole thing apart, put glue on the window, put the thing back, then take some electric tape and go along the rubber, this will protect your expensive coils hahaha

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