Mlara1129's C-List Finds

#itneverceasestoamazeme when people pour money into a car then list what it everything cost in the ad when selling.
That may be right up T-Money's alley. I'd call that a steal at those miles, the shape it's in and from what I can see that thing is truely fully loaded (xenons, navigation, back up sensors, rear heated seats, LSE, etc.). I wish I came across one like that in my search. That thing is sharp! That would be perfect with black interior. Wishing out loud.
Those front seats look like a lot more than 48K worth of wear!

When I got my LS at 62K my drivers seat was already toast. The left bolster was all worn/ cracked/ faded from what I'm assuming was an overweight person sliding across it upon entering and exiting.
Depends on what type of clothes the owner wears, they'd be mint if it's a 150 pound chump wearing gym shorts. Throw someone 3 bills and wearing carharts and you're going to have a bad time.
Depends on what type of clothes the owner wears, they'd be mint if it's a 150 pound chump wearing gym shorts. Throw someone 3 bills and wearing carharts and you're going to have a bad time.

Haha. That's why whoever buys my black seats someday when they need them will be a lucky buyer. I'm the 150 chump in gym shorts. Haha. My seats are minty fresh looking. :D

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