More problems, Still missing, but it's not the coils


New LVC Member
Nov 24, 2008
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2003 Lincoln LS 3.9 V8
Well she's at it again, First I a had a severe miss and I found 2 bad coils, replaced them and the problem seemed to go away for about a week. Started missing again after it warms up, so I went ahead and replaced the rest of the coils since they appeared to be the original coils. While I was in there, I replaced the plugs and pressure tested the cyclinders. I still have an irractic miss after the car warms ups. Could this be an injector problem or ?. I am about at my wicks end with this car. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If anyone is interested in buying a Lincoln cheap - let me know.
I'm dealing with a car here locally that has a miss, but no trouble codes. Coils have been replaced, and four injectors. Still got the problem. ???
Same here, no codes, no check engine light. I have a data pack, but I do not have the correct card for the Lincoln. I guess I'm going to have to get the right card so I can do a running diagnosis on it.
I have a 03 also and i took into the dealer and they replaced 2 coils. The code they pulled was also the throttle body code, i did not get the throttle body from the dealer, well a week went by and i thought the problem was fixed. We when i was just driving home i was sitting at a light and my car started hesitating like it was going to go into failsafe mode again, it never did. What's going on with this piece of :q:q:q:q?? Do i need to replace my throttle body? or do i take it in and replace more coils?? It's not under warranty so i don't want to start spending a load of money.
My 03 was doing that, i had three bad coils and a ruined catalyc converter, lincoln didnt cover the coils but my aftermarket warranty covered it, lincoln did cover the catalyc converter, i don't know if that will help, but its worth a shot.
If you still have original coils, they'll need replacing. TBs don't very often fail.

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