MORE Public School Brainwashing

So............ that is the only incorrect statement in my post. Got it, thanks.

Or, we simply don't have the time or the interest to counter all the lies of someone with absolutely no credibility anyway, and who is probably too stupid to even understand the corrections to his distortions in the first place...
Johnny - both Shag and Cal are right - Fox News pulls in more viewers on average than CNN and MSNBC combined. Fox runs about 2-1/4 million, CNN pulls not quite one million and MSNBC with about 3/4 million. And Fox news has been up about 2 percent over last year... Hardly soaring, but the other news outlets have been losing share.

However, NBC nightly news pulls in about 7-3/4 million.
Johnny - both Shag and Cal are right -

Just testing, and see how they responded? Complete silence on all the other points. LOL. :rolleyes:

How about Cal's LIE that Faux is the "the ONLY network that even features conservative commentators "? The guy's definately lost his marbles thinking he'd get away with that doozy.

Shag, I thought you had a "rule" about responding to someone who wasn't directing a post towards you. Go back to mommy and STFU before I hoist you by your own petard, again.
So............ that is the only incorrect statement in my post. Got it, thanks.

No, the rest of it was ridiculous crap.

I figured it the main point of your exclamation were demonstrated to be complete bullcrap, it wasn't necessary to even acknowledge the rest of your kool-aid drinking nonsense.

How about Cal's LIE that Faux is the "the ONLY network that even features conservative commentators "? The guy's definately lost his marbles thinking he'd get away with that doozy.
If you think a morning show co-hosted by Mika Brzezinski qualifies as featuring conservative commentators or that the network really represents an honest airing of conservative opinion- then we have to differ on that point.

And by the logic, the New York Times editorial page is balanced because they employ David Brooks?

Nice try though...
trying to argue that because I'm not interested in responding to your troll-droppings that you actually won a point.

the punch bowl of Kool-Aid is over there, by MSNBC, looks like you enjoy drinking it....

Why don't you point out the parts of the Media Matters piece about Glenn Beck repeatedly getting basic facts wrong that you believe aren't credible? Start by pointing out what is not credible about the following statements taken from the MM piece.

Beck claimed G-20 protesters in Pittsburgh recently carried a hammer and sickle symbol that actually came from a California school's "Class of 2007" mosaic. On the September 29 edition of Fox News' Glenn Beck, Beck claimed that "[t]he very next day after the premiere" of Michael Moore's new film, Capitalism: A Love Story, "people were on the streets" of Pittsburgh protesting the G-20 summit "with this." Beck then aired an image of a hammer and sickle and read from the photo, "Oh, look at that -- 'Capitalism Will Fail' down there at the bottom." But the image Beck aired was not from the G-20 protests in Pittsburgh. Rather, as reported on June 25, the image was of a "Class of 2007" mosaic painted by eighth-graders on tiles outside a Berkeley, California, school.



Capitalism Will Fail,' Marijuana Leaf Part of California School Mosaic,2933,529099,00.html
Why don't you point out the parts of the Media Matters piece about Glenn Beck repeatedly getting basic facts wrong that you believe aren't credible? Start by pointing out what is not credible about the following statements taken from the MM piece.

If I do this one time, will you stop forever?
So, you want to take Glenn Beck to task over that?
That's a pretty silly one, but...

Beck claimed G-20 protesters in Pittsburgh recently carried a hammer and sickle symbol that actually came from a California school's "Class of 2007" mosaic.
Well, let's first establish that there were G20 protesters carrying anti-capitalism signs in Pittsburg:

I can't find many from the Pittsburg event, so here are some other G20 protests.




So the question is, whether the protesters were specifically holding a sign that showed this image of a mosaic painted by eighth-graders on tiles outside a Berkeley, California, school:

So let's actually SEE the Beck make this disputed statement and see it in it's full context:

I have no way to prove that someone did or didn't have that sign at the event. And neither does Media Matters. They told you the origin of the image he referred to, but that doesn't prove or even demonstrate the negative they are asserting..

We know that many of the protesters were carrying signs and banners anti-capitalist rhetoric and hammer and sickle imagery is common at G20 protests. We know that they have used signs that say "Capitalism isn't working." So it would certainly be characteristic for the protesters to be carrying the specific sign that Beck is said to have referenced.

Is Media Matters trying to imply that anti-capitalist communists were not participating the G20 protests or supporting the Michael Moore film? Are they trying to call Beck a "liar" because they dispute whether a SPECIFIC sign was held at a protest rally?
In a world where we've seen photos from 'Bert is" at pro-Bin Laden rallies across the world, why couldn't/wouldn't that mosaic have been put on a poster board?

But more importantly, why are they ignoring everything in a TEN MINUTE MONOLOGUE to focus on a image on the screen for 2 seconds that they can neither prove or disprove? Unless... they're a political organization with the sole purpose of misleading and undermining the credibility of those that threaten their political agenda? Even if he was mistaken about the specific origin of a particular anti-capitalism/red sign, does that in anyway challenge any of the points he made?

By the way, Beck and the audience were aware of the source of the original picture because it had been shown at an earlier date when talking about school indoctrination. It had been shown earlier that week.
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Well, let's first establish that there were G20 protesters carrying anti-capitalism signs in Pittsburg:
The first thing you need to do is point out the exact words in the Media Matters piece that you allege aren't credible.
The first thing you need to do is point out the exact words in the Media Matters piece that you allege aren't credible.
Despite the fact that you deliberately posted the most narrowly written Media Matters attack on Beck, I still demonstrated how the conclusion draw was false, unsupportable, and that the effort of the mention on media matters was to mislead and distract.

That's what they usually do there. They take a statement completely out of context, or take an isolated minor mistake, slip of the tongue, or irrelevant accident, and use that to smear, mislead, and distract.

The entire site, and the ideology behind it, has no credibility, not simply one sentence.

Again, everyone is free to see the monologue right here:
9/29 Video
Dude, Beck lied about the protesters carrying the mosaic. MM was way too nice. They should have said he was a lying right wing maggot.
Is this a credible piece by Media Matters?

Breitbart burns Beck, Dobbs, right-wing media with false claim of
Community Organizers Praying to Obama​

Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, and prominent conservative bloggers followed the lead of conservative website after the site falsely claimed that an online video showed community organizers from the Gamaliel Foundation "pray[ing]" to President Obama. subsequently updated the original post with an editor's note acknowledging that "there is a debate over what is actually being said" and that the crowd may, in fact, be saying "oh God" rather than "Obama"; the Gamaliel Foundation subsequently stated that "at no time have we prayed to President Obama" and that in the video, the organizers "can be heard saying, 'Hear our cry oh God,' 'Deliver us oh God,' etc."
Is this a credible piece by Media Matters?

Breitbart burns Beck, Dobbs, right-wing media with false claim of
Community Organizers Praying to Obama​

Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, and prominent conservative bloggers followed the lead of conservative website after the site falsely claimed that an online video showed community organizers from the Gamaliel Foundation "pray[ing]" to President Obama. subsequently updated the original post with an editor's note acknowledging that "there is a debate over what is actually being said" and that the crowd may, in fact, be saying "oh God" rather than "Obama"; the Gamaliel Foundation subsequently stated that "at no time have we prayed to President Obama" and that in the video, the organizers "can be heard saying, 'Hear our cry oh God,' 'Deliver us oh God,' etc."

Nice dodge. The burden of proof is on you to show that it is credible. Don't try and dishonestly and deceptively shift it to someone else...
Is this a credible piece by Media Matters?

From the web page:
At 10:39 a.m. ET, video of the participants was posted on Beck's blog with the text: "Is this group saying a prayer to Barack Obama? Glenn is skeptical. Are they saying 'Obama' or 'Oh God?' Are they praising the president or just mocking religion? Turn up the volume and see what you hear. (Unless you're at work, where you would look a little nuts.)"

Most of the people were absolutely saying "Oh God" in that clip, though it does like one woman near the camera does say "Oh-Bama." Beck was right to be skeptical.

So, do you have a point with this posting?

No one said that the mediamatters people completely make-up events, merely that they mislead and their conclusions and editorial slant have no credibility. They take information and details out of context and mislead the reader.

Most often, they listen to a guy who spends 15 hours a week talking on the radio, wait for one misstatement or poorly worded candid response, then remove it from it's context and misrepresent it.
Dude, Beck lied about the protesters carrying the mosaic. MM was way too nice. They should have said he was a lying right wing maggot.

You are not entitled to your own reality. Dude.

The claim media matters made cannot be proven or disproven by them or you. But is has been shown that is is entirely probable that the claim Beck made was right and that, either way, it doesn't effect the bigger point he was making. It doesn't discredit him or his argument.

However, to argue what media matters is arguing is dishonest and disingenuous, not to mention sloppy.

Also, you claimed if cal "point[ed] out the parts of the Media Matters piece about Glenn Beck repeatedly getting basic facts wrong that [he] believe[d] aren't credible", you would, "stop forever".

So now, you are conclusively proven a liar.
Dude, Glenn Beck told his viewing audience that some protesters were carrying the image of a section of a certain mosaic. He even showed his viewers a photo image of what he said the protesters were carrying. The photo Beck showed his viewers was an image of a mosaic painted on some tiles outside a school in Berkeley, California.

Beck lied, or at least was mistaken, when he claimed the image he showed his audience appeared on signs carried by protesters, when we know the image he showed his viewers is actually that of a mosaic that appears on tiles at a school in Berkeley.
Beck lied, or at least was mistaken,
Or heard a report of the image being used at the rally.... yeah, we all know the story.

Either way- what's the point.
Is the 2 second image a critical component forming the foundation of the 20 minute monologue? By implying that someone pointed to the wrong sign with a hammer and sickle on it, or the wrong sign that called for the end of capitalism, does that mean that there were none there?


How about that picture, reportedly from Pittsburgh.


Or this one?

Are you taking issue with whether or not that specific image was on display at the protest- something that really can't be proved or disproved. Or whether the sentiment discussed was expressed at the event?

The implication from mediamatters is that such sentiment weren't expressed at the event. But that's not the case, and that's an example of why the website and it's voice has NO CREDIBILITY amongst honest people. I think it's unethical for Media Matters to continue to mislead simple minded people like you, Freddy (Jagger-bot).

CLICK HERE to watch the Glenn Beck video for yourself.

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