Most cost-effetcive thing for Gen1 light prob?

You might as well install headlight relays and go with those HIR bulbs into your new halogen headlamps.
I have the HIR's, They are brighter and whiter. Did you know that with the factory housings and bulbs the housings will heat up to around 155 degrees? Yep it's true. They get that hot! Does that sound normal to you guys?
turborich said:
I have the HIR's, They are brighter and whiter. Did you know that with the factory housings and bulbs the housings will heat up to around 155 degrees? Yep it's true. They get that hot! Does that sound normal to you guys?

155? That's it? I thought it would be much higher- like 220+. I looked into one of my old halogen housings and the inner reflective material looked like bacon.:eek:
Well i'm not sure of the inside, it's probally much hotter. I'm going by the outside of the lense using an infrared thermometer 155 Degrees. With the HIR's it was 10 degrees hotter, I don't think ten degrees will effect all that much though. The inside is probally closer to 200 though!
Like I said. If it were me, I'd just get a cheap drop-in HID kit if I *****REALLY****** had to go with the stock housings.
I scored a used set for $500 shipped from a boneyard across the country. Because I negotiated the price with a low-ball, the guy told me that he makes no promises or warranty on anything. So I figured, "Whatever; if a bulb blows, I'm sure I can just spend the extra $129 a get a bulb from Team Ford. Even if I do, I'll still spend less for these than at the dealer!" :lol:

So I receive the lights. They were complete and in near-perfect condition (especially for what I paid). One needed some minor wet sanding, but it still looked good. I installed them along with a headlamp relay the next weekend. Low-and-behold, the LH bulb goes out. Upon inspection, the bulb was clearly fried. Damn. So I go to order the part online and two days leter, Max Z posts bad news regarding the lack of availible HID bulbs until late-summer. Just my friggin' luck! :eyeroll:

So if you come across a used set on eBay or a boneyard- caveat emptor!
I polished mine over and over with polishing compound, and finally some Mcguires headlight cleaner stuff. Then I put new bulbs...i think Sylvania I can't remember. I can't say they are as good as new, but it's ALOT better than when I got the car.
i am just concerned because everyone tells me that if I buy new standard headlights, I won't see an improvement over my current, ten year old discouraged me from anything but HID's.
NEW Halogen housings will be ok........for the 1st few years, then they start doing the same thing the originals did. :)

Yes, there is one guy who makes them on calvin's site and charges a pretty penny for them. I on the other hand take a set of old 9500 bulbs and cut the ignitor and bulb off of the flange and make my own plates.

I am running them on the 95, and dad's 94 with no problems what so ever.
The new housings will be fine. Mine are plenty bright. Look at how many years it has taken for them to get this bad. Also remember to turn the automatic light feature off, this is a big part of it. The new housings come with a 1 year warranty from ford.
94m5 said:
NEW Halogen housings will be ok........for the 1st few years, then they start doing the same thing the originals did. :)

Yes, there is one guy who makes them on calvin's site and charges a pretty penny for them. I on the other hand take a set of old 9500 bulbs and cut the ignitor and bulb off of the flange and make my own plates.

I am running them on the 95, and dad's 94 with no problems what so ever.

Got a link or a contact for this guy? How much do they cost?

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