Motorcraft COPs.


Active LVC Member
Mar 31, 2011
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Collinsville, OK
Just replaced the cops with Motorcraft from Tasca. I discovered that they are made in China. Is this recent to anyone's knowledge? I have an 01 V8 with 130000 miles. 7 of the cops are orininal, one was changed out by Lincoln dealer right after I bought car with about 20000 miles. I got a cylinder one mis-fire code and a flashing engine light when I did a short burst of WOT so decided to change the cops and plugs. Hopefully these are still Motorcraft quality. Has anyone had problems with these?
dude, we may be putting all the parts together here, but you would be surprised at just how much of any given car (or anything else for that matter) is made in china...
We bought our '03 LS8 in 2007. I bought some Motorcraft coils a year or two later. The coils came in a box, and the box said "made in USA". About two years later I bought more coils that came in a plastic bag that read "made in China". I bought BWD coils from Advance auto parts about 2 years ago, and they were also USA.
Has anyone else recently bought Motorcraft coils made in China? The reason I am willing to pay the premium for Motorcraft is to ensure the meet OEM specifications. Otherwise, the Chinese generic brands are just as good, given the way Chinese companies operate.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that everything that is made in China is the same, even stuff from the same factories. We have some things made in China. The quality of the stuff we have made is verifiably better than what they make and sell as other brands. The difference is the quality control that we hold them to. In fact, some of the stuff sold as other brands is probably stuff we rejected.
In fact, some of the stuff sold as other brands is probably stuff we rejected.

this actually happens a lot more than people realize...

you definitely can have high quality parts made anywhere as long as the work is done to ensure that the parts meet your quality requirements. similarly you could also have complete trash built right here in the USA with little to no oversight in QC...

long story short, official motorcraft part made in china > cheap no name brand made in china

Otherwise, the Chinese generic brands are just as good, given the way Chinese companies operate.
I can definitely guarantee you this is as far from the case as possible...

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