Moving time

Easy there petey, you do not have to explain yourself to me. You don't have to get all excited and defensive. I think you're all right, even if you are a Braggart and a jackass (Once again Petey, utmost respect). Wear these badges with pride young Grasshopper. There is probably a ton of massage parlors that would hire you in NYC, especially in the village. Keep your chin up, young'n. Someday a rich, old, codger will come along and rescue you from your working girl ways. Bless your heart :D:D:D (No, I'm not Debi, I am the walrus, Goo Goo G'Joob, Bitches).

not being defensive, just explaining the situation further to which you implied I loose a job every month or so :p

remember when you're locked in a room with 1 person and that person being a client it is all a "he said she said" ordeal.....for instance a client could be a cheaparse and complain about you only to get a free service since many business' are "@sskissers" :p
it was uber paying at first, remember I said they started doing paycuts. In fact I make 3-4k with the other job easily so no biggie loss. I could easily either run my own business, work for a medical office, or do whatever I want for the extra time I have. Even with the 3-4k I get with my current job I will still have all debt paid off next year and still have enough to get into a newer car or fix up the lincoln.....

I still say though...thinking of having a 600hp+ coupe (possible convertible if I move to cali) would be fun :p vs a 300-400hp lincoln sedan

Do something already and stop talking sh*t, because the people who talk the most sh*t do the least.....such as yourself. But go on posting about how much you can supposedly make, how many businesses you run, etc. It's pretty entertaining.
Do something already and stop talking sh*t, because the people who talk the most sh*t do the least.....such as yourself. But go on posting about how much you can supposedly make, how many businesses you run, etc. It's pretty entertaining.

don't run any business' currently, you must be talking about someone else :p
:shifty:is that the one where you called the black kid african or african kid black and got introuble?

no that was massage envy-bellevue that I worked from march 2007-nov 2007 then I transfered to the redmond location and was there for about 2 years.

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