Dedicated LVC Member
Easy there petey, you do not have to explain yourself to me. You don't have to get all excited and defensive. I think you're all right, even if you are a Braggart and a jackass (Once again Petey, utmost respect). Wear these badges with pride young Grasshopper. There is probably a ton of massage parlors that would hire you in NYC, especially in the village. Keep your chin up, young'n. Someday a rich, old, codger will come along and rescue you from your working girl ways. Bless your heart(No, I'm not Debi, I am the walrus, Goo Goo G'Joob, Bitches).
not being defensive, just explaining the situation further to which you implied I loose a job every month or so
remember when you're locked in a room with 1 person and that person being a client it is all a "he said she said" ordeal.....for instance a client could be a cheaparse and complain about you only to get a free service since many business' are "@sskissers"