same here on the 14.5... but i know i need to replace VCG so maybe with new COPs it will get better.... hopefully
... winter blend gas sucks.
When premium is under $3.20/gal - I get great mileage, but when its over $4.00/gal my wife asks "Why did I buy a car that runs on premium when regular unleaded is $.50/gal cheeper?"
Thus my next car according to her is to be another Ford Taurus (have owned 5 Tauri & 1 gen1 SH...).
I say SH... she says no, SEL
.... so I may go from 16-18 mpg to whatever an SEL gets...
Non-stop in austin??
You must never drive thru rush hour. Last time took me an hour to get out of austin.
Oh and the LS is amazing on road trips. I took it 600 miles down to San Antonio. Easy and comfortable drive.
be sure to get the comfort pillow because your butt will get sore in those things. Not sure why they have such hard seats. My Taurus 24V dohv 3.0 ran like hell, for a v6, but the tranny was going out on it and I was looking at a $3k bill to keep it. Then one day, (miraculously) some fellow decided to pass me on the right as I was turning into a driveway/mini street, knocked me and the taurus over to the next street, (can I say Mr. Toad's Wild Ride), hence I ended up replacing it with the LS.
No payments, money from the taurus bought the LS.
But the LS seats are so much more comfortable. My skinny butt can take a days ride in it, where I would have been crippled in the Taurus (although a good car), still had hard seats.
Mileage isn't everything. But best of luck
Oh by the way, it was my wife who suggested I get the LS, with all of it's faults. Now she drives it more than I do. Go figure...
(I do not have any control over her QVC purchases & those QVC bastiches are on 24/7:Bang. They have a quick online order process that she has mastered & UPS leaves her packages in discrete brown boxes at the back door. Damn near broke my neck one evening, tripping over a bread maker (she still has not used) left @ the back door once when the porch light blew as I exited)
You have no idea how many products QVC sells that are only used once or twice, then get sent to storage to make room for the next one cup this or super fast that. We have 4 coffee makers, 4 crock pots, errr, my bad... slow cookers with & w/o electronic controls..., etc..., etc..., etc... [/SIZE]:slam
She drives it every day, but I'm supposed to "think " about the cinnamon colored Taurus SEL:eyeroll:
.............what is the best way to up the mpg's?