Spree: No Sir, you're not getting 30+mpg, stop reading the Instant MPG. If I do that, I can hit 70mph and throw it in Neutral down a hill and get 99mpg all day long
No Sir, you're not getting 30+mpg, stop reading the Instant MPG. If I do that, I can hit 70mph and throw it in Neutral down a hill and get 99mpg all day long
Sorry Sapp, not reading instant mpg. Reset my mpg 2 months ago, and right now it's on 23.7 (not instant), 50/50 driving. This car get's better gas mileage then anything I have. With the exception of the bike. I've ran the numbers, I'm not lie'n!
If some of you are getting 12 or 14 mpg's then there's something definitely wrong with your car! I get 350 miles on 3/4 tank of gas and that's not a lie either! I don't run it any lower then 1/4 tank.
If you let the mpg keep rolling for 2 months without reseting it...how's that instant? I believe that's called average.
Nothing sluggish about this turd. I'm 51 and don't need to race around anymore, but it'll still get a second gear scratch if need be. Have tried premo before, it's just a waste of money. Also when I do all hwy driving it gets 32 mpg. around town 24 easy.
So you get less mpgs with a 50/50 mix than you do all city driving?
I don't think any amount of explaining will make any of use believe you get that type of mileage on 87.
Not sure what your getting at Low? What I'm saying is I get 24 mpg (average) over a period of 2 months on the cheapest gas 50/50 driving, city/highway everyday driving. If I do straight highway driving (70 mph, cruise set) I get 30+ mpg (average) easy, on the cheapest gas on a 350 mile drive.
The car says premium recommended! That means you don't need it...it's only recommended! My car does fine on the cheap stuff so why waste the money. No pings, no knocks and at 210k I must be doing something right. When I do get in the gas pedal it's all Mark VIII. When I let it warm up for 15 minutes during the winter I still get no lower then 20 mpg.
I can't have the only Mark that get's good gas mileage. You mean no one else get's 24/30 out of there Mark? I find that hard to believe.
So far the best I've ever gotten was 29mpg average driving from Candor NC to Myrtle Beach SC and back in 2001 when I first got my '96 with 60k miles on it. The '97 LSC was lucky to get 20 and the '95 averages around 22 +/-. I'd like to see it get better mileage, but I have a short drive to work and back now so it's not going to be as good. And I only run premium in my car.
hhmmm...29 in a gen1 and 20 in a gen2. Weird...could there be that much difference between a gen1 and gen2? I wonder....when you fill up or anyone fill's up, how many miles to empty does it say? Is this accurate....no...just wondering.
Sapp's car only say's 300 miles to empty when it's "a spit away from full". Mine is much more.
I will fill up tomorrow and take a pic. Wife is gone today and has the camera. But i believe it's around 450.
My definition of city driving for me is...I live in a small town so it's 45 mph or less 3 or 4 stop lights and a 55mph gap for 5 or so miles until another small town comes up with maybe 1 or 2 more stop lights. I don't live in a big city like New York. Small town I guess you can say, but city to me, (maybe I should have said town) but still 24 average. The open road, hwy 70 at 70 mph with cruise set still averages 30+, more like 32. I do drive to Indianapolis a lot but stick to the 55mph area most of the time. I'm not saying I get 24/30 all the time. That's just my average. Some more, some less, but I don't have an instant gage in the Mark that I know of.
If i drive from Ohio border to St Louis (350 miles). I make it there with a 1/4 tank left. My other cars won't do that.
I have 3 vehicles with an 18 gallon tank. This Mark will go twice as far as they will and only runs at 1800 rpm's in OD at 70. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Some of the things you guy's say your cars do or act like doesn't make sense to me because that doesn't sound like mine at all. I've had this for 15 years and I know how many mpg it get's, how far it will go on a full tank and what the display says, how fast it will go, how it corners, how fast it will stop, what it smells like, feels like and so on.