It came up because she does use the idea of ‘gay’ as a stereotype – for some reason she used it in this article posted at the top of this thread. It sort of raises a red flag with me – she pushes the stereotype a lot.
Bill Clinton was 'gay'…
All Gore is a ‘f@g’
In an appearance on "Hardball"
In response to a question from a young man with a lisp at IU…
One of the main reasons Coulter's appearance has drawn such controversy is because of her comments to the audience. When a student asked if Coulter supported a dictatorship, she responded with a jab at the way he talked, calling him "gay boy."
4 instances (if you want to include the Edwards thing) over the course of three years does not make a pattern. You get at least three times that many instances of negative stereotypes against republicans and conservatives every night on the Daily Show.
Heck, I hear more gay jokes then that in a month; many from gay friends even. You still haven't established a pattern here. If you could show that those are the only jokes she makes, it might be one thing, but considering the shear volume of jokes and humor in what she writes and/or says, that is only a small portion. In contrast, you take away jokes aimed at republicans and conservatives, you would kill Mahr and Stewart's day jobs and cut back quite a bit the humor comedy central shows (though, south park gets a pass in my book).
And again, where is the false premise that prepetuates a false stereotype of gays? Labels alone do not do that.
Again, you are trying to manipulate things to create an issue where there is none.
Foxpaws – faux pas - a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct; an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion. It happens to me all the time… a friend gave me that nickname… But, we talked about that long ago Shag - in a PM - odd you bring it up now - out here...I thought PM's were private...
Frankly, it has been so long since I talked to you through PM's that I forgot about that. If I betrayed some sense of trust, I am sorry. It, frankly, is pretty obvious, though, which is why I ran with it. And I was referring specifically to the faux part of the term. Faux is defined as; artificial or imitation; fake.That false and manipulative two-face nature of yours is why I generally don't have a desire to communicate with you much.