My 2nd operation


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 25, 2007
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Today at 1pm I'm going to have another operation on my stomach. In oct. I was operated on for 4 hernias....Today I'm having gastric bypass surgery...Wish me luck!
Well make sure you are better by the Beach Party.. We don't allow people to be sick... Also.. get better as we don't want anymore loss of members..

Good Luck...
you'll do great, i'm pretty sure we talked about my buddy jeff have gastric bypass back around christmas, he's doing great, and he is off all his meds now too, even his med's for diabetes. i just visited him at home yesterday and man what a different person, he's so much happier now. i'm praying for you that everything goes well. i'm glad jeff did it because it was either that, or death, he was really sick and its nice to see him doing good now. good luck.
I'm home

:D I'm home guys...Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I know they worked, because there were complications after the operation. My blood sugar jumped up to 500 and my heart rate was 130..They had me in I.C.U for two days trying to get me back to normal. I'm alright now. The problem was do to the first operation, I had 4 hernias and the put a mesh on the hernias, well, there were adhesions on the mesh and in order to do the second operation they had to remove the adhesions, needless to say I was in server pain and it played havic with my vitals....It will be a while before I'm 100%.
Good to hear you are ok.. looking forward to meeting you this summer.

I remember my hernia opperation.. got home and sneezed... wow.. thought I blew my balls off...
:D I'm home guys...Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I know they worked, because there were complications after the operation. My blood sugar jumped up to 500 and my heart rate was 130..They had me in I.C.U for two days trying to get me back to normal. I'm alright now. The problem was do to the first operation, I had 4 hernias and the put a mesh on the hernias, well, there were adhesions on the mesh and in order to do the second operation they had to remove the adhesions, needless to say I was in server pain and it played havic with my vitals....It will be a while before I'm 100%.

Glad to hear that you are doing better John. :cool:
Hi guys! I'm doing much better, I'm still not 100% but a hell of a lot better than 5 months ago...I lost..(are you ready for this)...150 lbs:eek: I went from 375 lbs to 225 lbs...I'll post a before and after pic.
Hi guys! I'm doing much better, I'm still not 100% but a hell of a lot better than 5 months ago...I lost..(are you ready for this)...150 lbs:eek: I went from 375 lbs to 225 lbs...I'll post a before and after pic.

I had the gastric bypass surgery 3 month ago and lost 100 lbs as of last week.

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