My car is totalled, parts available.


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 22, 2004
Reaction score
I hit a wall last night at a very great speed on the highway. I am ok, but the car is not. Since it was a side impact, I'm fairly certain the engine and tranny are ok. The tranny is built, with replaced pressure regulator, 1-2 accumulator and springs, baumann level 5 shift kit and Mercon V installed in May. I also have a complete LMS exhaust system on the car, untouched, and the rear end is good as well. If anyone needs any of these parts, let me know.
PM sent.

Sorry to hear about your car. Do you think you'll get another Mark VIII?
I'm glad your ok, real sorry to here about the car. Will you look for another or are you done?
I forgot to mention it's a 94 with 120 000 miles.

I don't know if I will. Last night's accident really made me think about my priorities in life. I am honestly lucky to be alive. I think I might want something big and slow for a while until I can figure things out. The Mark was my dream car from when I was a kid, and I destroyed mine. So that kind of messes you up a little.
glad you were ok. hope you find another car. may I suggest Town car, good crash ratings
Glad to hear you're okay - sounds like it could have been much worse. Car crashes are scary.

How did it happen?
Sorry to hear about your car. At least you are OK.
If you weren't so far away, I'd be interested in the transmission, but I bet shipping would cost alot.
did your air bags go off. just wondering not that I want them .

you have any pictures??

glad you made it out ok ...... when the guy hit me , the mark took it like a champ and the smaller ride ended up in a curb and was in the air for a min.
good ol' american steel
both airbags deployed, sunroof blew out, stress dents on the non impact side of the car from the impact, floor has risen inside the car, front suspension destroyed. Rear looks good, tranny looks good, exhaust looks good. Engine bay looks good but there was oil on the ground so I think I lost my oil pan. Fuel cutoff shut off the engine upon initial impact with the first wall.
I don't think I want to take any pictures, and I don't think anyone would want to see them. It's not how I want to remember my car.
give him time,after the initial shock is over maybe he will want to tell it,it would probably take me a month or so to talk about it.
Like above most important thing is your OK. The Mark handles a crash well, I know also. Sucks to hear about.
man that sucks :( , but yeah Marks can take hits pretty well, heck the GMC that hit me last year had to be towed away, i drove away :D
glad to hear you are OK! That is the most important thing. You will find another MARK!!!
Im glad to that you are ok and sorry about your mark, I was sideswiped about a month ago and lucky for me it was not totaled.
It took a week to find a good door from a junkyard since ford does not make the doors for our cars anymore, then they gotta match the 3 stage paint. So now Im stuck with this pontiac grandprix until they finish, I hope that you will get through this soon.
I'm looking at 95/96 broncos as a replacement right now. i'm done with fast cars / racing for a few years.
67Continental said:
I'm looking at 95/96 broncos as a replacement right now. i'm done with fast cars / racing for a few years.

Did you wreck while racing on the freeway?
Well Im glad your ok and not hurt thats the main thing!

Now...about that it/or are you able to ship it?

Just drop me a PM when you get a chance...take some time and just remember atleast I'm ok and no one got hurt.

PS - I wrecked my stang sort of the same way(wet roads...too fast of speed and a turn that had something on it, cause after I wrecked 3 others had accidents at the same place within 24 hrs!)...took me about a year before I went over 70 me you'll get the bug again, just takes time.

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