My first MMA fight


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
Camp Lejeune, NC
Didnt quite go as I planned. It was an amature fight in long beach tonight. Went to 3rd round, after I broke his nose in the 1st round and had blood all over me, Knocked him down in the second, I went for a take down in the 3rd and he somehow got me in an arm-bar. I thought my ground game was pretty good, but he surprised me with some :q:q:q:q I had never seen before. Any way, I'm not gonna stop with one loss. Wish me luck in the future.
good luck with the rest of it!! Sounded like you kick the :q:q:q:q out of him. But at least ur first loss was at the beginning and not on a hot streak?!?
The guy was prolly talkin $hit on your mark huh... serves him right :biggrin:
Can win em all.. hang tough.

The fact that he chose to submit you, means "you had him scared".

you broke his nose, knocked him down..and his only recourse was to have you "tap out" because he was worried about losing.

otherwise he'd stood "toe to toe" with ya.


Gotta be careful when going for the "take down", dont leave yourself open {as you have learned)


I think you did well for your first time sir
Sounds like fun, Third round is very respectable. As you do more, you will gain alot more experience so those things won't happen that much, its all a learning experience. Have you looked into a N.O. products like Assault by Muscle Pharm. Stuff works maricles for me. One scoop of that and I hit a power level and a level of focus I could never get to with out it. It increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to all of your muscles, among other things.
I dont take any suppliments, like to go all natural. Some of the guys I work with take NO Explode and say it works wonders. I might give it a try sometime just to see how it makes me feel. When you said "all of your muscles" I am guessing you mean your love muscle too. Cant go in the octagon with a raging boner!
LMFAO, only works for the muscles your using. I have the N.O. explode, I quit taking it, the assault is way better. The harder you work the more the N.O explode will dehydrate you and wear you down. I have problems trying to run 2 miles if I took it prior. Assault, I can run 8 miles, do 200 pushups during the run, and spend 20 minutes on the heavy bag full tilt. I won't get tired or dehydrated, I just get to a point where I can't lift my arms anymore, they won't even hurt, but I can't lift them. I've tried 5 N.O. type products, assault being my top pick. As a bonus it swells the hell out of all your muscles to. Full scoop on fight/work out days, 1/2 scoop on off days to keep the creatine ester up to par.
MMA is an excellent spectator sport, unlike ANY of the "ball sports" that were invented and intended to get our lazy butts OFF the couch.

The only thing that would make MMA better would be to include KNIVES AND GUNS!

no more "tap outs" just a "double tap" to the forehead and NO REMATCHES!
I agree with the no tap outs. Getting a guy to tap out instead of going toe 2 toe seems sort of a b&*@h thing to do. I know there is a lot of skill involved in training in greco wrestling and grapling and such. Just don't like a tap out to decide a fight. Just my 2 cents.:rolleyes:
well I agree with the tap out scenario...
otherwise you'd see poeples arms and legs broken with much more frequency.

I rememeber one fight both guys had some figure 4 hold working and one of the guys leg broke.. and he kept trying to submit the other guy.

The other guy finally got his attention, motioning to the guys broken leg..

THEN the dude realizes his leg was broken.

now.. THAT is adrenaline at it's best!
I agree with the no tap outs. Getting a guy to tap out instead of going toe 2 toe seems sort of a b&*@h thing to do. I know there is a lot of skill involved in training in greco wrestling and grapling and such. Just don't like a tap out to decide a fight. Just my 2 cents.:rolleyes:

Jump into the octagon with the lowest rated MMA fighter, and in a matter of seconds you'd be "PRAISING" the "tap out"..
I dont take any suppliments, like to go all natural. Some of the guys I work with take NO Explode and say it works wonders. I might give it a try sometime just to see how it makes me feel. When you said "all of your muscles" I am guessing you mean your love muscle too. Cant go in the octagon with a raging boner!

I been on Gakic for about 2 years, it works, I took a Pt test today and worked out for about another hour afterwards.
Superpump250 from gaspari nutrition here, same effects, i swear by it to most people but every supplement has its pros and cons with different people.. NOexplode doesnt do a damn thing for me but this stuff kicks my arse every time i take it..
oh and good job with the MMA debut, going toe 2 toe is way better than him cheating you with an armbar cause he got scared..
Well I was the one trying to take it to the ground. I was giving it my all but just couldnt knock this guy out. He had one hell of a chin.
Good job on your debut i guarantee that guy will remember you. Anytime you can rock someone hard enough to make them bleed they don't forget. I fought my last fight in 04' and have so far been 4-0 in Light heavy. I had a couple injuries in my last fight and have been trying to get back to it every since. You want to talk about chin the last guy i fought had a chunk of rock for a head. I broke my hand and foot before I finally got him to the ground and put him out with a rear naked choke. Scared me to death cause I thought man I'm hurt and I'm never going to beat this guy. Three full rounds of beating on a guy that doesn't act like a mack truck could knock him out will screw with your head. I have spent the last several years as a trainer for a local club and i really enjoy that. One of these days I hope to fight at least one more fight but I weigh out in the heavy weight class now I'd had to cut so hard but it would be worth it! So anyways keep at it and remember that losing is only experience gained. Best training you'll even get!
Try ephedrine with any body will wear out before your mind does so better pumps, better reps, bigger gains, plus it makes you loose your good for dieting

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