My last 14 hours.


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 19, 2009
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They have been total hell.

A month ago my father was driving his Ranger and fell asleep behind the wheel causing him to go into oncoming traffic and killing three people on motorcycles. :(
Some how he was not charged with a crime. Well I helped him and replaced the Ranger with a very nice F-150 4x4 super crew with every option and the 5.4, I loved that truck and have only had it two weeks.

I get a call at 1:30 AM from him saying he flipped it when a deer ran out in front of him.
He was out getting the rest of our stuff from the old house. Problem is he was told that our stuff is no longer there and its at the landlords storage shed (we left on good terms he just wanted to hurry up and install the new carpet) but apparently forgets this. So the truck was loaded with all the landlords tools, carpet shampooer and shop vac. While I was standing there waiting for the tow truck I was starring at all this crap all over the ground thinking I didn't recognize a single thing. I had no idea until the landlord called me yelling about where all his stuff was. After he told me what was missing I realized my father the idiot thought it was ours and loaded it up.
I told him what happened and tried to recover as much stuff as possible but told him to figure out how much all the broke and lost stuff is worth and my father will pay for it all.

So this was what I was welcomed to at 2 AM.




And after going to the tow place to get all my old land lords stuff:




And this was the fatal accident from last month.

I hope to high hell they take away his license, he is a menace on the road. :mad:
Wow, that's some terrible luck. Hope everything goes well with insurance, landlord, recovery, etc. Your dad wasn't injured was he?

Oh, forgot to add the obligatory "that'll buff right out."
Nope, dear old dad was fine. He was fine 12 months ago when he wrecked my Cobra, he was fine when he T-boned a new Accura with the Dodge Ram 11 months ago, he was fine 7 months ago when he hit a curb with my Lincoln, he was fine last month when he killed three people and hes still fine with totaling the new truck. He don't ever get hurt, he just hurts others.
He needs to be taken off the roads.
Tell that guy to lay off the booze.
He's a danger to the rest of us.
Something is up other than all of the stories he is telling. He might have a medical condition that is causing him to black out. Has he had tests at the doctor?
1st off he does not drink at all. Hasn't touched a beer in almost 20 years.

He is terminally ill and was supposed to be dead by August of last year. See I sacrificed more then any of you could believe or would do yourself just so I could move him out here to Texas so he could live with no bills at all. I left my home of 20 years in Maui and lost my fiancé' just so I could take care of him in his final couple years and help him enjoy life. He couldn't work and it was going to take well over a year until he would get his disability.
He has the worst type of Hep C that has caused sever fibrosis of his liver and keeps his viral count so high its amazing he is alive at all.
Well me moving out here to take care of him, making sure he goes to the doctor (left to him he wouldn't go), finding the milk thistle and proper diet I have him doing better now then he has in years. He has lost so much weight recently, went from 265lbs to 138, and shrunk over an inch too. But I do stuff with him and even though what he has done lately to me I still give him love and help him so that he has the will to live.
Yes he has been an ass hole the last year and a half and done some terrible things to me he is still my father and I still don't want him dead.

So to answer the question the reason for all the accidents (and his terrible behavior to me) is the medications he is on. His illness causes severe pain so he is on Oxycontin 40mg, Vicoden 10mg and Valium 10mg. The amounts of each are staggering too. IDK how he can even stand, its scary.

I hope this is the end of him driving. I have talked repeatedly to his doctor to cut back on the meds and over the last several months the amounts have dropped in half. I have hidden his car keys when I see him take his pain meds or disabled the vehicle. I now control his meds so I know he don't take too much (he forgets so sometimes would double up). I physically restrain him when he is obviously stoned from driving too. I have even called the DPS when I don't stop him yet he has taken his meds. They have never even ticketed him for it though.
Last night at 3 am I watched him do a road side sobriety test and he passed just fine. I hope the insurance drops him and hes unable to get insurance anywhere else because he wont drive if there is no coverage. That has always been a thing of his so thats my only hope. I have tried to get his license suspended, I really have.
I hoped when he was in that bad accident where he killed three people that they would at bare minimum house arrest him. They have his meds from that accident and the blood tests and witnesses and everything but didn't even give him a ticket. I just don't get it. :(
wow sounds very hard I remember it took alot of time before my grandfather lost his license cause of hes alzheimer's you are doing a good thing though I would do the same for my folks
Sorry to hear about your troubles. However there is one thing you can do, even if they won't suspend his license; don't get him another vehicle. The F150 is obviously totalled, so just don't buy something else, and you will have to give him rides around. We are having to do that with my grandmother because she is getting alzheimer's and conveniently forgets that the doctor said she can't drive anymore. Since she still had her car, we had a new key made up, but never programmed it, so as far as she knows, if she tries to go anywhere, her car doesn't start.
The truck is his. I gave him the Dodge that got him the Ranger that got him the F-150. Its in his name and his insurance. The truck has full coverage so he will have money for another one and I dont know how to keep it from hapening.
This last time he was looking at a F-250 V-10 Crew Cab long bed 4x4 with a cow catcher. I just couldnt see him in a truck that big cause of the dammage he could do. Took everything I could to get him from getting a super sized truck. :( Now he will have even more money so I know he is gonna want a Power Stroke. I gotta keep that from hapening.
Wow.... that is nuts...

That green F-150 reminds me of the '68 GT from Bullitt the way it is wrecked..
sorry to hear but you need to call his doctor and have his lisence taken away or maybe next time it will be your dad who dies, seriously man, my father in law scares us so bad he has severe parkinsons and although he had a deep stem implant put in his brain his reaction time is so slow you could do a load of laundry before he can react to something quick. he shouldnt drive either, but he has nothing else in life we cant take away that, i fear soon enough he'll lose the right to drive all on his own.
I have spoken to his doctor and that didnt turn out so well. His doctor now refuses to see him and there is only one other pain management specialist in this county so he will be seeing him soon.
I have asked the DPS and the local police department about what to do and they said its up to a judge and they would have to catch him with a DUI.

When he left that night I suspected he was on his pain meds so I called the DPS. I knew the route he was taking and said I saw a truck weaving and gave the plates. He was pulled over as well and only recieved a warning for poor lane controll and not having his license on him.
And again at the accident site the did a sobriety test and he passed just fine. IDK what to do anymore. I have been a constant baby sitter for him and it is absolutly killing me. He has stolen from me and betrayed me like you would not believe and I know it all cause of these meds hes on and thats the only reason I have put up with it.
I cant even get him commited as the police dont think hes a danger to himself or others...... :mad:

I cant deal with it anymore so I am selling my house here and moving far far away. He can live with my grandmother and drive her crazy. Ive had it with him. I have bad medical problems that I am dealing with and while I do have pain meds too I dont take any where near what he does and only take them when I am in sevear pain. He takes his no matter what.

I was mad enough when he didnt get as much as a ticket from killing three people but the fact that he shows no remorse and then does this and again is like its no big deal..... its a sad sad thing when the person you looked up to your whole life, the person you trusted above anyone else turns out to be a total POS. I was so close to him my whole life and ever since his doctor put him on Oxycontin he is just this terriable person. :(

Its just so damn depressing.
Sorry for airing it out here guys, just needed someone to vent on.
Yea the scumbag doctors and the pharmacuteical companies dont care if the people need the drugs, or are just abusing them, as long as they get paid. Its sick what doctors do these days, some of them are nothing but legitimized drug dealers. Its terrible.
For what time you have left with your Dad, love him. Even if it's tough love by taking his 'right' to drive away. Even though his mind may be slipping due to the drugs, he may understand it's for the best.

I have a hard time believing that there is nothing legally that can be done considering all the carnage he's caused.

Don't let him drive your LSC, cause you know how that'll end up.
That is all too true. :(

When he was soooo doped up he couldnt move about 2 years ago is when I started looking at his meds. He was on 280 Vicodens a month, I was blown away! Then I saw another medication that said it cause drowsiness so I looked it up. I had never heard of Oxycontin before and when I found all these horror stories about it I could not believe they had him on 360 of them a month as well. He was also getting 120 Xanex a month. :eek:

I went to the doctor and confronted him. He couldnt and wouldnt share any info at all really but the next time I took my father in they had cut the prescriptions down considerably. And kept dropping them a little more every month. He now does not get the Xanex anymore but they do give him about 15 Valium for panic attacks. The other meds are less then half of what they were but still just too damn much IMHO. Then again I see all the dammage it causes first hand.

This is where my guilt comes into play. They had him on so much pain meds that he didnt care he did not own a car and he would just lay in bed and was waiting to die. I moved out to be with him and saw the meds causing problems so I got them cut down and started taking him out places in hopes he would have a will to live and get better. It worked and he has gotten so much better its amazing. Then it all started going down hill and then got worse when he killed the three people on the motorcycles.
I knew two of the people personally that he killed, one was a car club friend and the other was the county commisioner who was also a car dude and I met at a car show. I never met his daughter but she was on the bike as a passenger and was killed as well. I cant help but feel guilty because if I would have never had his meds cut down in the first place he would have been content to lay there in bed and die. These poor families he ruined..... I am so mad at him for all this and wish I never came out to take care of him. :(
For what time you have left with your Dad, love him. Even if it's tough love by taking his 'right' to drive away. Even though his mind may be slipping due to the drugs, he may understand it's for the best.

I have a hard time believing that there is nothing legally that can be done considering all the carnage he's caused.

Don't let him drive your LSC, cause you know how that'll end up.

Last time I let him drive my LSC was when I sent him to go buy some parts for his truck I was working on. He came back telling me how nice my car reacts because he nodded off and work up doing 70mph in the oncomming traffic lane and swerved just in time to miss a truck. :mad: He has not been allowed to drive it since then and that was before he ran into the motorcycles.
In texas you can have him certified "unfit", get power of attorney and handle ALL of it.

he's a danger to you, me and everyone else on the road.

You need to speak with a power of attorney lawyer, and keep in mind that Texas IS a "third party liability" state, meaning if you allow him to take meds, then get in a car.. YOU are liable.

you know the dangers, and it's up to you to protect yourself.

GET FAR AWAY as fast as possible.

if you live under the same roof, your exposing yourself to liability if something bad happens again, especially since you are aware of his medical condition.
His DR. is also liable because he's obviously "over medicating" this man.

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