My Lincoln VS. Cadillac Experience

Darth Elway

New LVC Member
Mar 24, 2006
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Greetings, all. I just thought I'd share my experiences with Lincolns and Cadillacs that I had throughout my life. I am comparing OLDER models, not new ones. Through much trial and error, I have realized through the eras I am comparing to, Lincolns were far superior vehicles. These eras are about I'd say 84's through 95ish', so figure a 10 to 15 year model years time period. Being a guy with relatively little money, I have no experience with the new ones. I always wanted the most bang for the buck, so these cars are the way to go for me. But I'd wager the new Lincolns are better over the long run from my experience. This experience is with used cars, typically Lincolns and Cadillacs that are 7-10 years old with relatively good maintenance prior to purchase.

My second car I owned was an 84 Cadillac Coupe Deville. It had 71k on it, it seemed like a mechanically sound vehicle. This car (which I now know), had one of the WORST engines in history, the dreaded HT4100. Keep dreaming if you had to drive this behemoth up a steep grade (which I realized too late). It needed a Tranny is all so I got it for a good price. So I had a rebuilt Tranny put in. The 3rd day I had it on the road, the front end failed, not sure what part it was, this is some years ago. Now the fender and nose were slightly damaged from the broken axle failing. I replaced the front I thought it was over. Nope.

Throughout my nightmare 3 year ownership of this car, it fell apart, literally. Rear, Starter, Alternator, Timing chain, Air Suspension, Module, Power Seats failed, Fan clutch... When the Transmission began failing I said enough is enough. Several years later I came across an 88 Fleetwood for sale with 61k. I thought it was a good deal and a bargain with that mileage. What I thought was very wrong. After replacing many of the same things I had to replace on my older Cadillac (which I felt to be ironic), the car died mysteriously. Couldn't keep it running for more than 10 seconds. Mechanics were BAFFLED, and so was I. Disgusted with GM and Cadillacs, I vowed to never own another one as long as I lived.

During talks with friends and being jeered at for having the worst luck with cars cause my Cadillacs have left me stranded, my friend who is much older than me was telling me about Lincolns, how they are good cars and built different and much better than Cadillacs. If I was ever to buy one, he said it would be a "...much wiser choice." I took what he said with a grain of salt, and was like, whatever.

Car shopping 6 months later. I found an 85 Lincoln Town Car that needed an Engine and a Transmission. The car was in great condition, and for $100 dollars, I could have a pretty nice car and with the price of a Motor and Tranny, I could have a sweet ride. I had a used Motor put in, and a rebuilt Transmission. I maintained it fairly well, and all that ever broke was an Alternator, no biggy... But I noticed many differences in this Ford product than in my glorified Buicks.

Fist was that the Leather seemed much thicker in the Lincoln than my 84 Cadillac. Signs of wear, but no rips or little tears. It didn't show signs of interior head wear, the ceiling was fine, unlike the cancerous GM Headliners. The door handles seemed much sturdier, inside and out. How do I know this? Both the cheap door buttons and thin levers failed on my Cadillac, one out and one inside. The car seemed to ride much smoother on the highway, even though the suspension was old. Not to mention it was faster and better up a grade than the Caddy with the paltry and pathetic 4100 CRAP. The Lincoln also had those nifty power vent windows, which I liked. After several years of ownership and 40k later, I was able to sell it for 1k and my friend had several years of solid use before he totalled it. I had a SWEET deal on another Lincoln I couldn't turn down...

I replaced the Town Car with a black 90 Continental SS with 68k, which is like a glorified Sable or a Taurus. Car was owned by my mechanic, his personal car. Near mint condition for $2500. Got a great price since he was a friend of mine. This car was LOADED with tons of great stuff, I still feel it could rival any luxury make of it's generation. Power everything, Sunroof, Heated Mirrors, frigid AC. Pretty fast for a V6 with front wheel drive I thought. I liked the digital dash setup. Had several special addons, Tape and CD (great sound system), ragtop all factory. Special badges were added on. I had this one for a few years. Was good in the snow too. Never stuck, not once. I replaced the Suspension pump, the alternator, and that's IT. The ABS went though, and I drove it anyway with a stiff brake pedal. I would still have this Vehicle today no doubt, but my horrendous negligence of the cooling system caused Head failure. It was like mud in the cooling system. Angry with myself and my stupidity for putting to much water in it, I had to junk it. I was heart broken...

I had a Z28 Camaro 5.7 4bbl for several years afterwards (quite a change from Lincolns and Cadillacs!), and IMA I had hardly any trouble with it, another auto line I recommend. With the price of gas soaring and the car now older, I sold my Camaro for a Grand Am in the interest of economy. What seemed like a good idea in reality, was not. The Head Gasket failed in such a way the only way to fix it was a new Head, damned Quad 4 engine. With a newfound hatred for modern GM vehicles, I sought a Car that was affordable, as I got hurt at work and am on Compensation (still).

My first foray into buying a Car off an Ad on the Internet was a failure, but I still perused. I came across a 92 Town Car for a measly $500. Too good to be true I thought... A former gypsy Cab, retired like a Race Horse, the car was a little dinged up, but when I opened the door (which the first thing I noticed, even the door handles seemed high quality), I was floored. the Interior was IMMACULATE, it was obvious this car was well maintained. I was skeptical because it had 150k on it, I doubt it was the original Engine and transmission too. You would NEVER know the car was around the world 6x plus by driving it or riding in it. This car had a marshmellowy ride, that is the only word I can think of to describe it. Smooth, smooth ride, wether you were going 20 or 80. The Engine purrs like a kitten, even with all that mileage. The Air Suspension was replaced, so I was happy with that. I even talked him down to $400... I even felt guilty like I was getting over on him! I still feel I 'Jessie Jamesed' him, but I think I can live with the guilt.

The car is parked right outside. I love Lincolns. They are simply better made to stand the test of time than Cadillacs I feel. Even the little things you can tell were simply american engineering wonders, Ford has built a vehicle with superior quality. If you are buying the car, not leasing, you want to be sure the car is still driving years later, no? My Lincolns were very dependable and NEVER left me stranded not once, knock on wood. I never had any major problems with 3 older Lincolns over a 10+ year period with just the most basic 'do it yourself' maintenance.

More than I can say with Cadillacs, which the view from being stuck on the side of the road with your Cadillac (like a BIG scmuck), which became a very familiar sight for me indeed.
:W to:V

:L too

i have no exp with gm luxury cars, but i know my monte carlo never failed me besides the doors, and a rusted exhaust manifold. the mark gave lots of problems, but nothing that i wouldnt go through again for the car.
Thanks, fellas!!

Mr. Wilson- I never had a monte, but I had two of their sister vehicles, Grand Prix's, and they are almost exacly alike. Much more conventional autos, and most with tough 5.0 engines. Crappy doors that were too heavy and hinges that couldnt support the weight. But they were luxury cars, with Brougham packages and assorted luxury trims. Cadillacs are not anywhere close to these models, the Eldorados of those years had that HT4100 crap (so the car was also, crap), or some had the even worse 4/6/8 experimental garbage. I know they have technology like that in teh new Impala, but I am sure that technology has been improved since.

Conti94- Welcome to the club 'The most underappreciated mid-size Luxury car of that generation, the Continental'! Nice ride, I has one in black and the car was loaded tremendously and very reliable.

Pepperman- I have a 92 ES, very similar. Nice car in white. Mine is light blue.
Darth Elway said:
Thanks, fellas!!

Mr. Wilson- I never had a monte, but I had two of their sister vehicles, Grand Prix's, and they are almost exacly alike. Much more conventional autos, and most with tough 5.0 engines. Crappy doors that were too heavy and hinges that couldnt support the weight. But they were luxury cars, with Brougham packages and assorted luxury trims. Cadillacs are not anywhere close to these models, the Eldorados of those years had that HT4100 crap (so the car was also, crap), or some had the even worse 4/6/8 experimental garbage. I know they have technology like that in teh new Impala, but I am sure that technology has been improved since.

Conti94- Welcome to the club 'The most underappreciated mid-size Luxury car of that generation, the Continental'! Nice ride, I has one in black and the car was loaded tremendously and very reliable.

Pepperman- I have a 92 ES, very similar. Nice car in white. Mine is light blue.

Thank you for the comment, I do agree she has been a pretty reliable ride. I have put alot of money into it, but most of it was beecause of damage in a small accident some years back. I have only had to replace the Alternator and the Rear air shocks plug rear swaybar links. Next thing on the list is new coil wires and cat converters.
Describing an 85 Lincoln Town Car “that needed an Engine and a Transmission” as a car “in great condition” is absurd. Give me a break! You’re obviously biased towards Lincoln as you have difficulty recognizing Lincoln shortcomings. Actually, it’s amusing. :rolleyes:

I would like to comment about your criticisms, but since you’re willing to preface your high praise for Lincoln by ignoring an obviously mechanically defective Lincoln it kind of takes the wind out of my sails so to speak. LOL
MAC1 said:
Describing an 85 Lincoln Town Car “that needed an Engine and a Transmission” as a car “in great condition” is absurd. Give me a break! You’re obviously biased towards Lincolns...

If you buy a car with a bad Engine, and a Transmission with no reverse, but the body and Interior are in awesome shape for $100, guess what?

Used Engine installed- $700

Rebuilt Transmission installed- $800

I now had a great lookin and great running Town Car for substantially less than 2k. So, if you went to by this car back then, guess what? You are paying twice as much or more. Hmm.

Mechanically defective does not mean poorly maintained, neglected, or abused, does it? Last I checked, it does not... ;)

Take your criticism elsewhere. Think of the whole thing I am trying to convey here, instead of being so one sided. I will also like to hear of these Lincoln's 'shortcomings', as well as compared to the Cadillac's 'advantages', and many 'shortcomings' of the same generation too.
I have owned both Lincolns and Cadillacs. After owning both, I am free to say how my experience with Lincolns were much better than with Cadillacs. Much better as in, NOT stuck on the side of the road...
Darth Elway said:
I have owned both Lincolns and Cadillacs. After owning both, I am free to say how my experience with Lincolns were much better than with Cadillacs. Much better as in, NOT stuck on the side of the road...

I hear ya, I was just trying to be funny, you're entitled and I respect your opinion. :D
I enjoyed the :q:q:q:q out of your commentary. You style of writing made me fell comfortable with what you had to say. I even enjoyed all of the post commentary postings (especially 95DevilleNS!) with the exception of one. Oh well, free speech is what I fought for so many years in the military. I suppose I have to let people speak out even when I feel it is not necessary for them to be so abasive. More importantly, welcome. I am new here as well and have learned a great deal. You on the other hand, seem to have a lot of knowledge to impart. I await your next "commentary"...
Why thank you Paulownian...

Having owned both from the same generation, like it or not I am somewhat of an expert... I know the differences between the specs of both, the performance over the long haul, reliability, and overall quality and which is more likely to give headaches...

Lincoln Town Cars are the Cab of choice here in NY, and all over the area for a wide variety if reasons. Sure there are a FEW Cadillacs, but they are leased and like new. ALL over you can see older Lincolns which are these guys bread and butter, not too mention the newer ones that are owned for years and have like 300k-

Near legendary Lincoln reliability.

Not too bad on gas all considering, especially on the Highway.

SUPER smooth ride, even the ones that look like they've been drove through hell still will ride very smooth as long as the Air Suspension functions decently, or was removed and converted.

Easy to fix with many parts very affordable, new or used. Crown Vics and Grand Marqs. parts also can be used most of the time. Easy to find parts at most Junkyards/Salvage Yards.

CAVERNOUS and comfortable Interior and tremendous Trunk space.

Big car, pretty safe...

Tough Ford Transmission.

OK, SOME of you must be like "This guy is CRAZY, Ford Trannys are not tough!" Touche', I say! I bought a Lincoln with a neglected/abused Tranny, but not a SINGLE Tranny problem with three Lincolns in 10 years. My Mom's Marq didn't have Tranny trouble either. Ford Tranny's have a bad rap. I'm not saying they are better than GM's, I never had Tranny trouble in my Lincolns, or even my Camaro... I think much has to do with upkeep.

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