In response to posted comments for an earlier post I made...
RollinLS, I did reveiw the link you provided me (regarding your mods and carshow awards/trophies), Thank you.
To all...
I apologize for my over-zealous and very opinionated personal comments (from me an old fart competitor).
While I am a "somwhat" new Lincoln LS owner. Car customizing and Carshows is no way new to me...Those
familiar with a car show in Texas called: The Texas Heatwave Carshow @ http://www.heatwaveshow.com/
know this is a fairly big event. With that said, I took the 1st Place in Open Mild category, way back in 1993.
And I'm familiar with what carshow is what from Texas - California, and what it takes to place at any one
for any specific event. This is my 4th project. But it's a completely different animal from what I'm used to.
I know how difficult it is to place 1st Place !! But, I also know how "not so" difficult it is to place 1st Place ??
Only a person who has actually entered at least 5 different carshow knows what I'm talking about. Anywho,
I do welcome all LVC comments (positive and negative). But me being as old as I am (I unknowingly) like to
state my un-warranted and very opinionated comment. So I apologize for being me. Without bragging...
I probably have more trophies from my various 1st place carshows then the actual car itself. My glory days.
But without those or the mentioning my car club affiliation my street credentials would have to be re-proven
to all you generation x, y, and z's.
NO NEED! If we all apologized for our over-zealous and very opinionated personal comments, we weouldn't get anywhere around here!!!
sounds like some cool stuff!