My New TB!

CaptainZilog said:
Jibit - We've tried to help him on various occasions to get the right parts for his car, so he can actually get the best performance for his money. This goes way back. It's one thing to "forge your own path". It's another to deny the laws of physics and buy parts that don't help or even slow you down. Nitrous was a step in the right direction. That Jetchip, throttle body and intake are not.

Sifrino3 said:
I don't care what you guys think. I will do what I want to do. I post st it up. You and your momma write back. Why don't you guys post up. Im the only one not scared to do so or what. It is rude for all of you to bang my sh it like im a biatch. I know different is hard for alot of you. But get over it. It isn't your way is the right way. If we did the same things. We all know what we are getting into. Its a big world out there. . .
Here sif, here's enough mods for everyone here posted up! p.s. why would my momma write you? She's dead :(

Damn John...all that and your car only ran mid 14's???

You obviously need a 75mm TB, 90mm MAF meter and a 400 shot of NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWS!!!

NYC LSC said:
Damn John...all that and your car only ran mid 14's???

You obviously need a 75mm TB, 90mm MAF meter and a 400 shot of NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWS!!!


No no, he might as well get it right the first time and get an 80 MM point in buying it twice! :bash:

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