My nice 1998 Deville


LVC Member
Dec 22, 2007
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here we go.. since le lincoln is dead lets pimp a cady




and why not to remeber a pic of le wrecked lincoln


my project for the cady next is to tint the window to the max even if its nit legal.. when i geat a cops i get the window down so... if he ask to get them up then just so bad ill get teh warning and etc ill live with it i ordered my HID 10.000k for high beam and soon im goan order 8000k for lowbeam to drive

but before all that i got CHNAGE MY FRONT quater someone turned on me so my quater is realy bad bent a chance my wheel got nothing
Can I ask why your putting 10,000K high beams in? That seems like the most useless idea ever. Your light output won't be anywhere near as good as say 4200-6000K and if your doing it for show then who exactly do you plan on showing your highbeams to? Oncoming drivers?

Nice car though. Real old school pimp style. Cool pics too. I love Canada.
ye si know that the best lummen and look is 6000k but since highbeam are only su eon highway at night when there is no traffic.. i went 10.000k to have a blue look.. even if its not as best as 6000k for lummen it is still better and lighter than a normal OEM Bulb so its still good to me and 8000k for normal use is becaus ei had 6000k in my lincoln FOG LIGHT AND ITA REAlY nice and white but i do want a lil blue color so i went 8000k lol

liek i said yes 6000k and etc are teh best for lummens but for look and etc even 10.000k get more lummen than a normal OEM bulb
Yeah but if the highbeams are only for you, then why wouldn't you use the brightest color temperature with the best visibility? Getting 10,000K in your highbeams if your the only one who is going to see them kind of negates the purpose of highbeams

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