my weekend progress so far.


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Palm Harbor FL
so friday night after work i got my car in the shop, took off the hood, wiper mech, got the top two bellhousing bolts out, and was waiting for a customer to drop off his mark for an oil change, tire rotate and engine bay detail. so while i waited for him to drop it off, i changed my pass valve cover. saturday i worked on his car and changed rich's wheels for my old chrome speedstars, then got back onto mycar late yesterday, today i finished what i wanted to do to the motor and here are the pics, there are alot so forgive me! tomorrow after work i am stopping to pick up the trans gaskets and seals, and i will get the new trans and another 97 trans i have on my bench, and do the j-mod and electronic internal swap done, and i am gonna start working under the car pulling stuff out including the rear diff so i can swap in the 4:30 pumpkin. i will slowly be working on it throughout the week and hit it hard again this upcoming weekend.



















and a quick exhaust video, the audio was messed up because it had both my industrial fans on and the stereo but here is a quick vid after i finished putting the motor back together!
Dude, that engine bay looks terrific! it really stands out. good luck with trans it has one hell of a kickdown, you're gonna love it with the 430's
thanks elliot, i still have to detail the whole bay, but i wont do it till the trans is in and done, because the whole car is a mess anyway lol,, while its in there its gonna get cleaned everywhere!
Looks good Jamie. I just had a thought, what if you do the cross over cover and the shroud cover lettering in red to match the valve covers. I thing that would look cool as hell compared to the silver lettering. Just a thought, way to go, keep the progress pics coming. Also, what fuel pressure regulator you got on there, is that from LMS?
i already had that stewing in my brain, change the lettering to red, i think i will before i back it out of the shop after i finish. the pressure regulator is from aeromotive.
no andrew derek should have taken a few lessons i could have taught him alot! and yes brandon you little smart ass i got it, wait till you see the one i am sending you back, my wife was in tears watching me decorate it for you.
I meant the silver letters on your shroud cover.

I thought they were stuck on, not painted. If you were going to put a red set on your car, I was going to offer to buy your silver ones.
The letters are molded onto the shroud (not removable) from the factory and raised and then the top part of the lettering is coated in silver paint. He would be spraying red over the silver.
I meant the silver letters on your shroud cover.

I thought they were stuck on, not painted. If you were going to put a red set on your car, I was going to offer to buy your silver ones.

The lettering on the alt/crossover tube cover are painted or pressed on by the manufacturer. The lettering on the shroud cover was painted on by Jamie, I have done it to my Mark and some others. So you would have to paint your own.

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