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hey show me your n20 setups, im juicin this week! 150 shot sounds proper!
yea i got a wet kit with 70 100 and 150. im supposed to mount it a foot before the throttle body. Unbolt the schrader valve and tap into the fuel line that way.
any tips for running the nitrous lines through the firewall - from the trunk to the engine bay?
yea ill start with the smaller jet. as far as tuning goes and supporting mods i was told just go one step colder and have a high flow pump which i already own. So i should be good to go once it gets here tomorrow! I even got a place to fill it up for me 10 minutes away! love it! Any of you guys running a tune with your wet kit?
Route your nitrous line outside of the cab of your car. It is SS braid and will be protected as long as you tuck it up under the car nice and tight and secure it well. Much safer than running it through the cab.
ok well i dont have the kit yet in hand and it comes with instructions. which im going to follow to the T. How does one get the line outside the cab if the bottle is in the trunk?
i was told to just take my tune off to run the wet kit to have stock timing and throw in one step colder plugs. i have a tune right now, im just going to take it off because it advances the timing where as for the n20 you want to retard it. I have an lms chip and gene said the tune will be fine for n20. Problem is I experienced some wierd issues when i ran 1 step colder plugs with the tune on. i live near a dyno, but the thing is i can't adjust the chip at all so eh ill just remove the chip when im gonna run the juice and throw it on for normal driving, you only get so many sprays per bottle so im going to use it sparingly.
i have a lms chip. he said the tune is good for n20. its not sct, its a diablosport module. pulling the chip is very easy i can do it in like 3 secs. i believe there is a switch because it has 4 banks. i have to look into that...
any ideas on how to mount the wide open throttle switch, the switch i have is supposed to go behind the drivers pedal, and thats where im going to put it... but its something im trying to work out right now.
I put the arm switch where the cig lighter used to go and used the - and + from it to power the arm. and the activate runs from there to the microswitch behind the drivers pedal, then that runs to the relay in the engine bay viola
got most of it installed today, filled the bottle. Any ideas when running the n20 feed line from the bottle all the way to the engine bay, i have it run through the trunk through the rubber hole, but as far as mounting it to the body. I could use some suggestions
its a dynotunenitrious.com wet kit... its real nice real quality. It took me a long time to install it I guess cuz i am overly anal, and its for a sn95 mustang. Its pretty straight forward but mounting everything perfect is a pain, its a very tedious process.
i drilled the hole from my nozel fairly close to the throttle body because i was concerned about puddling, it says to be within one foot of TB. I eyeballed it but when it came to attatch the hoses i didnt realize how deep that TB sits with the intake tube... so i had to butcher the wiper cowl a bit to have a painless fit, in the process before cutting into it i broke a jet for the 100 hp and then i dropped the 70 hp jet on top of the intake manifold sea of no return -
no i dont have a window switch, is it worth it. i figure ill gun it and hit the arm when i want to use it so i know im wot and after 3500 myself. I thought putting on the TB arm would be a good idea. But I really wasnt quite sure how to get to it because of how obcsure a location it is with the intake tube on, so i just did what the kit said, i rigged it up near the foot pedal. so i already had all my wiriing for that all plotted out.
i would much rather have it on the tb arm so but i dont want to take the intake tube off again - i got everythign situated and i want to get to using the kit. I have the 150hp jets in right now.
Can you buy jets at most parts stores?
Securing the nitrous line to the bottom of car: Go to hardware store and look in the electrical section for little electrical securing clamps. All they are is thinner gauge metal bent over in a loop with driller holes where you can slip a screw through. Then get some self tapping sheetmetal screws and you are set. I suggest getting the ones dipper in rubber to prevent metal on metal chaffing.
I consider the window switch a vital part in keeping your car somewhat safe when spraying. You may have good timing but the switch is much more accurate. Here are a few items a window switch helps with:
1) Limits bottom rpm when nitrous comes on. This means less chance of fuel puddling due to it not letting you jump the gun and spray below X amount of rpms.
2) Limits the top end rpm when the nitrous sprays to which is good so that you do not accidentally over-rev the engine and still be spraying nitrous too. This will save an engine if the transmission goes south and there happens to be a big spike in engine rpms before you can react.
3) Better timing of when shot comes on. Means more repeatability.
4) One less item to screw with when racing. Just flip the master arm switch and you are good to go.
If you do the window switch the activating portion of the wires will be wired in series with your WOT switch and master arm switch. This way all three have to be activated for your nitrous to spray; which means everything has to be functioning correctly to spray. That is a good thing.
You cannot buy nitrous system jets at any local parts stores. If they offer anything it will be a special order item at best. Just go to Jeg's or Summit and pick some up off there. Also it would be good if you have a nitrous bottle pressure gauge too. Those gauges cost about $40-$50 depending on brand and will be another item that is good to have in a proper nitrous system. After all, spraying through jets rated at 900 psi with an actual pressure of 1200 psi is not a good thing.
see i plan on going wot in first - and spraying as soon as my 1-2 shift is done because of my gearing (4.10) i got no problem flicking the arm while being wot but for the future def be a good investment for "worry free" nitrous runs. guages def are essential i should have them already. and i wanna purge on all the cars that sleep on me!
Went to purge it and somehow ignited...