So shag - on Sanford's reasons for not accepting stimulus funds...
I know why he was opposed to the stimulus package - and found the published reason for that...
"We believe this stimulus package is a mistake for whole host of reasons — for the way it piles debt on top of debt, for the way that much of the contemplated spending is not stimulative in nature, and for the way this series of ad hoc measures is freezing up the very private capital that ultimately drives our economy. Unfortunately, if history is any guide, this package will serve to prolong and deepen this economic slowdown, and will bury future generations under an even greater mountain of debt. I believe that if we stay on this course, government will turn this recession into a depression."
However, this doesn't say why, after the bill was passed, he was still going to battle the opportunity for his state to get their 'share' of the funds. The stimulus has passed - the money is being doled out - and he said still said 'no'.
The only item I could find about why, at this point when the funds are a 'done deal,' he was going to protest SC getting their share of the funds was that he was opposed that the funds come with a mandate that a certain portion goes to education - $700 million in SCs case, out of many billion. These earmarked education funds were to fill the gap from the Bush years where new laws mandated 'leave no child behind' but the laws didn't included funding for the programs.
So, since we are arguing his reasons for not taking money that has already been approved... what are those reasons? I couldn't find a list - maybe you have one shag.
I understand being opposed to the package initially, but once the bill has passed, do you allow your state to not get their share? Your people will certainly be paying for this with higher taxes in the future, a rise in inflation, and other costs. So if your people will be paying for the program, shouldn't they also be seeing benefits for the program? There wasn't anything in the bill that if your state doesn't accept the money that your state will be free from the tax increases, etc.
It seems like poor fiscal responsibility on the governor's part - similar to his just taking money from state coffers to jaunt down to Argentina for a little rendezvous...