Neal Boortz and the FairTax Bill


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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If any of you regardless of your political persuasion would like to keep ALL of your money each month and see the IRS abolished, I would urge you get this book, go to this site and sign the petition. 600,000 people have already signed up and the list is growing.

I have seen many attempts to repeal the tax code, but I never had any confidence in any of them till now.
Just as fossten I implore each and everyone one of you to visit the site, sign the petition and then follow the link provided to help you find your local rep and petition him/her as well.
eL eS said:
I suspect Liberals will hate this idea. I on the other han support it 1000%!

If liberals hate this idea, they better keep it a secret b/c the American people are going to JUMP ALL OVER THIS. Bad political decision to come out in opposition to something that the people clearly want.
fossten said:
If liberals hate this idea, they better keep it a secret b/c the American people are going to JUMP ALL OVER THIS. Bad political decision to come out in opposition to something that the people clearly want.

well they wouldnt be so bold as to vote against it much less give it a up or down vote. You can bet they will try to trump up some bs like they ned some bank statements from rich people, fairmnded citizens will refuse and then the socilaist will wage their filibuster.

When a party considers 1 loss + 1 loss = a win, in regards to elections anything is within the real of possibility.

Remeber rich people are conservatives regardless of thier gross annual income and conservatives are all about privacy and oh yeah and this stupid thing called ownership/property rights so I whole heartedly expect an absolute assult on this tax plan.
It states that spending up to the poverty level is tax free. How is this monitored with a federal sales tax? Wouldn't you have to file some sort of tax return?
crash said:
It states that spending up to the poverty level is tax free. How is this monitored with a federal sales tax? Wouldn't you have to file some sort of tax return?



I hate to ruin the ending but essentially the cost of goods and services are adjusted down in cost to offset the tax implications for those folks that can't seem to iprove their income issues.
eL eS said:
I hate to ruin the ending but essentially the cost of goods and services are adjusted down in cost to offset the tax implications for those folks that can't seem to iprove their income issues.

I thought it was b/c of the hidden taxes inside prices due to heavy corporate taxation, that will go away when taxes go away.
fossten said:
I thought it was b/c of the hidden taxes inside prices due to heavy corporate taxation, that will go away when taxes go away.

Yeah essentially that leads to the price reduction. I was trying to keep it simple but you are correct.
I can hardly fathom the thought of not having to pay taxes unless I shop. Essentially bring home my entire check seems laughable after years of enduring this BS ssytem of collction we have now.

I hate the tax forms and it makes me sick every year when I file them. It takes my wife and Iabout 16 hours to get it done and we always end up with the sick feeling that OMG did we forget something what is the Tax NAZIS come kicking the door down.
com'on... this is the problem in America no one wants or cares enough to do what they need to do to make thie life better be read the freakin manual, take a class to get out of a dea end job etc...
crash said:
I'm not going to pay $50 to find out. You read the book, can't you post the answer? I'd just like to know.

I'm not going to debate this. The purpose of this thread is to get the word out about the book so people will pay attention to this and we can finally take back one of our most important freedoms. BTW, the book is $16.47 at Amazon.
fossten said:
I'm not going to debate this. The purpose of this thread is to get the word out about the book so people will pay attention to this and we can finally take back one of our most important freedoms. BTW, the book is $16.47 at Amazon.

Go to your local library and request a copy. They will order it and put it on hold for you. My grandfather has been doing this for years. Sadly, people only complain about the govt being able to read your library record butnever actually use it.

Good lord you can get the stuff for free but people won't use it. Like the old adage goes you can lead a hours to water but you can't make. I have made my career off of free books from the library.

Hey here is a thought if they are s worried about library records bing scrutinized and truly want a fair tax then they should have nothing to fear. The govt will see a surge in interest in this subject and alert law makers to the fair tax conspiracy!
fossten said:
I'm not going to debate this. The purpose of this thread is to get the word out about the book so people will pay attention to this and we can finally take back one of our most important freedoms. BTW, the book is $16.47 at Amazon.

I wasn't trying to start a debate about it either. The concept of the fair tax plan is interesting and I was just asking a simple question about it. Now that I know that is is much cheaper at Amazon, I'll pick up a copy.
The website has a section where you can enter your zip code and it will route you to the email of your Congressman/woman and you can zip! fire off an email. I did one last night for my Rep. The site also links you to a scorecard showing where each Congressman stands on the issue. I'm going to nail my Senators this weekend since the site shows they are both on the fence.
The website will alo present you with the name and adress and phone number of your local representative. I highly recommend saving it in your outlook contact list and the next time they do something smart or stewpid call their office. Ask you friend to call them as well. The mroe the phones ring and the faster the mailbox fills that quicker you willget results.

Honestly, ifyou do not want to buy the book hold your library to task and make the order it.
This is a follow up email to my lobbying for the fair tax. I am 100% certain he or someone on his staf read and reaplied becasue they commented on some other issues that are personal in nature. Things that happened in my life that I feel helps reinforce my opinion as one that is not based on mere financial gains. I shared with him the condition to which I was born and raised but was able to succeed in life.

I was going to say acheived a better way of living but my mother demonstrated better living by settings good examples throughout my life. Despite an impoverished childhood and dropping out of school. I succeed in life becasue of her relentless examples in parenting and doing the hard work and doing it well. It was dedication to doing the hard work properly and the fact I took personsal respsonsibility for my destiny that elevated my income. I took crap jobs, laborious jobs and used my GI Bill and earned scholarships to pay for my education. I even had to borrow some along the way. I never felt entitled to anyones money to get me out of where I was in life and I earnestly believe we all should share in the burden of carrying this country forward into greatness.

I would be happy regardless of where I am with money as long as I have my family, wife, children, brother and mother, and you cant bet that my values will remai the same. Lord knows I have been knocked down more than once since I made my way up and I never once thought I should stop trying or contributing.

That was in it a nutshell. He or they thanked me for sharing my path in life and assured me that they would consider the citizens desires over any parties agenda. So he is part of it again I cut out the mushy feel good BS but I felt obligated to share with you the fact I believe it was handled by an office offical or Adam himself.

"Thank you for your recent correspondence in support of the Fair Tax Act of 2005. I appreciate hearing from you.

H.R. 25, introduced by Representative John Linder on January 4, 2005, would repeal the federal income tax and replace it with a tax on the use or consumption in the United States of taxable property or services. The bill has been referred to the House Ways and Means Committee, and no hearings have been held on the bill at this time.

President Bush has called for comprehensive reform of the Internal Revenue Code, and has formed a bipartisan commission to consider all possible avenues for tax code reform - including the 'flat tax' and the 'fair tax.' The commission is expected to make recommendations that encourage immediate growth to deal with the economic effects of recent events. "

from here it got into the mushy BS.

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