Need help... Looking for Fog Light Assm...


New LVC Member
Sep 10, 2004
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Hello everyone... I am new to this list but do have a question...
(maybe why I signed up, eh?)

Q. I need help finding exterior parts for a 1995 Seville STS.

- Driver side Fog Light Assembly...

I would like any information where to find body parts for these fine cars?

Does anyone know of a good wrecking yard who sells them in good shape?
I would hate to have some used beat up junk...

Anyway point is I need one...

Any help is always welcome!!!


- Gym
Try e-bay Lots of used parts

spoolenturbo said:
Hello everyone... I am new to this list but do have a question...
I was very suprised at the car parts on ebay, I found a front head light assemby for Cadi $40 (Dealer 225.00)

(maybe why I signed up, eh?)

Q. I need help finding exterior parts for a 1995 Seville STS.

- Driver side Fog Light Assembly...

I would like any information where to find body parts for these fine cars?

Does anyone know of a good wrecking yard who sells them in good shape?
I would hate to have some used beat up junk...

Anyway point is I need one...

Any help is always welcome!!!


- Gym
fog light

spoolenturbo said:
Hello everyone... I am new to this list but do have a question...
(maybe why I signed up, eh?)

Q. I need help finding exterior parts for a 1995 Seville STS.

- Driver side Fog Light Assembly...

I would like any information where to find body parts for these fine cars?

Does anyone know of a good wrecking yard who sells them in good shape?
I would hate to have some used beat up junk...

Anyway point is I need one...

Any help is always welcome!!!


- Gym

Hello I might be able to help you out on some of the parts you are looking for I had a 93 sts that I am parting out. Give me a list of what you need and I will get back to you on what I have left over, thanks. If any one else need parts let me know. :nxsmile

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