Owlman, tried what you said and I am not sure if it helped. I can hear the brake set and release but this has been the case all along. After doing this three times, I got the service brake message. Turn the car off and it resets.
Drove the car home tonight and the brakes did not get hot. However, it feels as though the car is being restricted somewhat while driving. I am truly at a loss on this one. I have had 2 people look at it now and it has all of us stumped. I am going to try driving it around tomorrow and hope that nothing burns ups.
Is the parking brake located inside the drum or is it part of the caliper? If it is part of the caliper, might be best to just replace them. Also, someone mentioned disconnecting the parking brake to see if that is the problem. Is this easily done? Once again, thanks to everyone for your help.