Need it Photoshopped???(BIG images)

any chance you can use my sig picture and lower my lincoln 1.75 or 2 inchs what ever.... PLEASE!!!!!!

want to see what the stock rims would look like with the car lowered!

nm here you go


any chance on lowering this for me...
Wow! I am waaaaay behind......If you guys didnt see my last thread...well, my newest one,....Its stats that I havent been on due to a small virus. But I fixed it, and its ready 2 go! So I will get crackin on your pix. OMG, thats alot, between this thread and the PM's.....geeeesh......hahaha.....oh I go.
I already did one from a PM sent 2 me a loooooooooong time back by JattGary. So hope its koo with him:

One down.....fifty hundred thosand million to GO!!!!! LoL
-JJ :cool:

Ok....Got some done...I hope they are ok...I am a little rusty....PLus I kinda rushed a little bit. But I hope they are good enough to get the idea thru.... Here you guys go......:



Thats it for now......I will have more done soon...ok? koo!
-JJ :cool:
thanks alot man .i really like the black but im thinking on something like a black face and then the part of the spokes the curve in white if you have any idea what im talkin about. i hope to get this done soon.
NO prob guys....and lhrider.....I think I know wat u are saying.....I think! LoL.
well.....beechcraft11....I think u waited plenty.....check it out, hope its koo, hope ya like it.....:

Its no LS......But.....pretty sic! :D
L8rz guys.
-JJ :cool:
Last edited:
Hey Kleen,

Found some rims the other day and I was wondering if you would be able to photoshop them so I can see what they look like before I get them.

Here are the rims:

My car is a 2004 Lincoln LS8 - It does have a wing on the back if you need photos I can get them.. Just let me know!!

BTW: your PM space is full!! ha

Frasch......My inbox is clear Now!:p
And if u can can send me sum pix of your LS, that would be koo.
Or atleast let me know what color it is and stuff......Thanks!

Sorry Guys...I have been a little busy.....But I did do a few things....
I did your PS from my PM I got from u.......Hope its ok, did it really really
quickly.....So I hope its ok:

And then I actually really really Like that Fabulous Body Kit, thought I would take another try at I PS'd 1 with aflush wing and everything! Hope u
guys think its ok....I did it real fast only took 2% of my day!:p

L8rz guys!
koo koo

Hope this ok yo.....
check it out:

Busted a quickie!:p

No problem brotha....hope it came out ok....did it kinda quick....and couldnt really find a real good pic of the rim....but eh....Hope it gets the idea thru any who! :D

-JJ :cool:
No problem brotha....hope it came out ok....did it kinda quick....and couldnt really find a real good pic of the rim....but eh....Hope it gets the idea thru any who! :D

-JJ :cool:

yeah looks good i just really need an image just to see how it would look =) to bad the rims got sold already lol
could you photoshop a ls with mkz tail lights or zephyr taillights?
for sure! TO ALL OF Uz!!!! LOL SORRY MY CPU IS JACKED UP RIGHT NOW! HAVENT REALLY BEEN ON. I AM USING MY PS3 RIGHT NOW SO THIS SUX ON TYPING. anyways , be back as soon as possible .......have sum koo PSin too show ya!!!! L8rz! -JJ :cool:
:q:q:q:q when did KLEENLS get those badass headlights? Those are sick man...trophy needed for you!
I made him that set. For the cost of auto socks Ill make you a set.
Stupid read the title and his post one more time and repeat those actions till you understand!

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