Need to buy a Replacement Rim..Best Place

You might be able to find one on Ebay for cheaper than what it is going to cost you to get it repaired.
I just bought two off of a guy because I also have a bent one. I was going to keep one as a spare but honestly I don't feel like having it sit around, plus I sure am not going to buy another tire. So I'm over in WI here if you want to make me an offer.

he has the gen2 chrome 8 spokes, not gen1 chrome 5 spokes
Well SH!T, mix it up a little! Jeez!

Sorry shoulda checked the pic first... :slam
If I remember right ShortCircuit has a bunch of these. I dont know if she is willing to sell them though. Try not sure if they will actually have these in but if I remember right, the cost was about 170 shipped.

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