Needing some advice.


Active LVC Member
Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Tullahoma, TN
As much as I hated replacing Coils and plugs and cooling parts, I loved my car. I tried to sell it a few months back, but I backed out because I just didn't want to get rid of it.

So, here recently I've been letting a family member drive it. Yesterday I got the worst call. She was involved in a accident. Of course she was okay. But I couldn't say the same about the LS. Now what I'm needing to know is, should I let the wrecker service keep the car? or pay the tow bill and part it out? The wrecker offered me $100 bucks with no bill. It only had liability insurance on it since I barely drove it, so no claims. Both airbags deployed. Engine and transmission is fine.







Sorry for your luck Bud, if it's already paid for in full and they only wants 100$ to get it to your home and you have the time, I'd part it out as much as possible to recoup a few dollars while your family member finds and pays for the replacement LS.

If you hand it over to the wreckers they will simply throw it in their yard and capitalize on it over time a little here and there. Why let them!

If you don't want to put yourself through the misery of having that mess in your driveway, I'd let them have it.

Despite the un-salvageable wreck, it still has 'some' good parts on it.
Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to store it in the drive.
Scrap price will bring in roughly $250. Plus i would have to pay tow bill. (I have no clue how much it will be).
Im pretty sure im going to let the wrecker keep it and just take the 100 he has offered. But are there any parts i should take off before? All he is going to do is scrap it to a junkyard.
I'd look up craigslist ads..people offer $500 for junk cars all the time around here. Getting that for $100 and a tow is a great deal for them. It's to bad it got the roof and the quarter not worth fixing now.
I NEVER let anyone borrow my tooth brush, my music, my children, or my women. I sure as fizuck won't let anyone borrow my car. People don't take care of things they don't pay for. That is especially the case for relatives.
well you certainly have parts to sell... IF your interested... Computers, lights, interior pieces etc... will all go on ebay if your willing to put in the time.

I would not be... and would be happy to just be done with it...

I dont see another car...

$5 on texting ?!?!?
I assume that the torn seat bottom cover is unrelated to the crash?
Amazing how that passenger front fender and door escaped damage parking so close to that wall, just missed it as it appears.

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