If I could get a set of Gen 1 style covers with the cobrastar logo incorporated some how I am in for a set. Seriously I want to support as many people as I can that support us as Mark VIII owners with quality products.
These do look awesome - If you are looking for some ideas on what text to use:
Of course:
They are not cleared, however we can easily coat them in a high gloss clear if you guys would like.
If I run production on 10 sets with Lincoln related font, do you guys think all 10 would sell? If so I will get the material ordered. I have covers in stock, but they are all in cobra related font. I can run the blanks, and then get requests for color and the fonts to finish up the run. What do you guys think?....Ryan
Black with the above suggested engraving for a GEN II would interest me.I would like a set of red ones with the cobra lincoln emblem for gen 2 as well!
I like the font from the saleen speedlab example, looks good!
uhhh. you all dug up a thread from august 09.