New Eldo Owner - A Few Questions


LVC Member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Bridgewater, NJ
I picked up a 1993 El Dorado and am fairly new to the Northstar. I need to clear the Check Engine and Airbag lights before inspection, and have a few questions:

I got the following codes:

P041 (E041) ..... No Cam Reference Signal from Ignition Control Module
P052 (E052) ..... PCM Memory Reset
P071 (E071) .. .. Intermittent MAP Signal
P109 (E109)Keep Alive Memory (KAM) Reset/PCM has lost primary battery power
I052 .............................. Keep Alive Memory Error
R026 ................................................. Driver Initiator Circuit Open

Im guessing p052, I052 and p109 are related to the fact that I unplugged the battery to attempt to clear the codes.

P041 and P071: Where is the camshaft position sensor and the MAP sensor? I want to pull them to inspect / replace them. Are they hard to get at?

R026: Where should I start with this airbag fault? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance. Ive been looking all around the web and other forums and haven't been able to find these answers. I've replaced the above-mentioned sensors on my Mark VIII, but have no idea where to find them on my Caddy.
First thing you need to do is remove the negative and then the positive cables from the battery. Then clean everything, including the positive cable under the red plastic insulation and also clean the screws. Remove all corrosion/acid buildup, and rust/corrosion from screws. After you've completed the cleaning recheck for codes.
MAC1 said:
First thing you need to do is remove the negative and then the positive cables from the battery. Then clean everything, including the positive cable under the red plastic insulation and also clean the screws. Remove all corrosion/acid buildup, and rust/corrosion from screws. After you've completed the cleaning recheck for codes.

Checked the camshaft position sensor and it was UNPLUGGED! Plugged it in, and cleared the check engine light immediately. I also unplugged the battery, cleaned all terminals and connections, and reconnected. The R026 code still remains, although all other codes are cleared. Any insight as to what R026 refers to? Thanks..
wildrage said:
Checked the camshaft position sensor and it was UNPLUGGED! Plugged it in, and cleared the check engine light immediately. I also unplugged the battery, cleaned all terminals and connections, and reconnected. The R026 code still remains, although all other codes are cleared. Any insight as to what R026 refers to? Thanks..
The R026 code is a Supplemental Inflatable Restraint (SIR) code. This code will set when:

1. There is an improper connection of either the yellow 2-way connector near the base of the steering column or the yellow 2-way connector at the top of the steering column;
2. An open SIR coil assembly; or
3. An open driver inflator module.

Did anyone attempt to disable the SIR system and didn't reconnect it correctly? This code could also indicate there is a malfunction in driver's side inflator module or the SIR coil assembly.
Thanks for the detailed resonse. Just how hard is it to get into the stearing column? I know that some cars are harder then others...

I pulled the Drivers side airbag out and inspected it. It still had a little tamper proof 'pin' at the connection, so I don't anybody has been tampering with it. Although I picked up the car a couple weeks ago, it was from a friend, and based on what he said, there is no reason to think the bags ever deployed or where tampered with.

1. There is an improper connection of either the yellow 2-way connector near the base of the steering column or the yellow 2-way connector at the top of the steering column;The top one is fine - how hard is it to get to the one @ the base?

2. An open SIR coil assembly Pardon my eneptitude, but what is this, and where is it located?; or
3. An open driver inflator module Well, the module looks good to me, but I guess there could be some internal problem. I have one from Ebay on its way - same year and color for only $25 shipped.

So what should my plan of action be here? Which of the above is the easiest to check out? Thanks.
The SIR coil assembly is a round coil that is underneath the steering wheel. The yellow wire you saw when you removed the inflator module is the "coil assembly lead." There is another coil lead attached to the coil on the column side, which in turn travels down the column.

To check the lower 2-way connector remove the finisher/sound insulator at the base of the steering column. I believe it is secured by two screws and two nuts. You will probably need to put the seat back all the way to provide ample room to look under the column. After removing the securing screws and nuts, the finisher may removed by simply pulling it towards the seat. Be careful since the finisher has locking tabs which may be brittle due to heat exposure and may break if you're not careful. Once the finisher is removed the yellow SIR wire should be visible. If the connector is OK (meaning no signs of wire crimping or overheating, chances are it's fine.

VERY IMPORTANT WARNING: I don't know how familiar you are with the SIR system; however, the SIR system should be disarmed before removing and/or installing a module, or doing any type of repair for that matter. Failure to follow the following procedures may result in airbag deployment causing serious injury.

1. Turn the ignition switch to 'OFF.'
2. Remove SIR fuse A11 from engine compartment fuse panel.
3. Disconnect the 2-way yellow connector at the base of the steering column. Be aware the connector has a pin that must be pulled out before pulling the 2-way connector apart. The pin can be pull out of the connector. (Note: pay attention to how the pin is inserted before removing so you can see how to reinstall it).
4. Always carry the inflator module facing away from you so if it deploys due to a static electric charge you will be less likely to be injured. Do not place the module on a surface prone to static electricity. Place the module on a bench or other suitable surface face up.
Air Bag

Thanks for the info - I'll try it the next time I don't have work and its light outside (which seems to be few and far between lately).

I am extremely careful when dealing with the airbag system. I disconnect the batter, the fuse, and wait 15 minutes so the backup cells are drained. I even back up away from the bag when reconnecting everything - you never can be too safe. I have a feeling that the module itself needs to be replaced, but I guess I'll have a better idea when I get to take a good look at those wires.
Yellow wires

I went underneat the stearing column and found a yellow wire that had been electrical taped together. I thought that I nailed the problem, but then realized that there are 2 yellow wires. I'm assuming the yellow wire that was spliced is not the airbag wire, because the other yellow wire had an airbag warning tag on it. The wire went into a harness with a orangish colored pin in it. The harness also had a metal clip-looking thing on the back of it, like it was suppose to be attached so something, but it wasnt. Other then that it didnt look like it has been tampered with, or like it was shorted.

Do you know what the 'other hellow wire is? It looks nearly identical to the airbag wire.
Picture of Wire

Here is a picture of the wire that appears to have been repaired:

Airbag Module?

So I've examined all the wires and they look good. Should I assume that the Airbag itself is shot? Anything else that could be throwing this code / ways to test?
wildrage said:
So I've examined all the wires and they look good. Should I assume that the Airbag itself is shot? Anything else that could be throwing this code / ways to test?
The code could also be caused by a defective SIR coil assembly. The other yellow wire cold be for the passenger airbag.
MAC1 your knowledge of the N* is exceptional.:biggrin: :bowrofl:

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