Dedicated LVC Member
I think it looks very nice, color, logos, everything. Makes me want to get mine done. The factory leather doesn't hold up well at all.
LSCGODDESS98 said:ok ok i know you boyz are yappin about some points i made about these seats
well if anyone here,idk,..but if your dabbl'in in the restoration biz,...im sure someone who is a "PROFESSIONAL" will agree yes it looks comfy but again...the workmanship could be better ..and theres nothin bad bout tight ass leather...im sure if any of you had bought your car new or semi used...did the seats look like that meaning crumpled in a bunch like your ol grams panties,or better yet slouchin,and hangin n droopin,like it been worn 30 days with out takin it off (lol)? compare yours to that..all im sayin take a good look.
and the garbage layin around the car...lol u should be ashamed..if your gonna take pic of your ride..take out the garbage for cryin out loud!
If you took the time to read all threads you would know I had just gotten back from the lake and didn't even notice the trash. Please forgive the hell out of me! Say what you want I have sense added some backing and yes it was done by an amateur (me) I have new pic's and will post them later today. Even if they are not perfect and the PICS don't do them justice. In person they look great and have been told that by a few restorians. But thanks for your 2 Cents. I have owned the car sense 97. I'm one that new early that this was a special car and I had to pay a good chunk of money for it. I think by the shape of the car(condition) I don't trash my car. I will put it up to any other 96 any day
If you are going to criticize someone, at least be able to spell decently enough to make it look like it is not being done by a child. Just my opinion :NLSCGODDESS98 said:DUDE,calm down ...it seems like you cant take criticisum too well!!!!
im not knockin your car..dont get me wrong the outside looks very nice but imo(which im intitled to just like everyone else here) the interior could have been done a lil better before posting pic's.
and btw my friend..my name is LSCGODDESS98 and don't forget it ...it's NOT lscwhatever98 Capice!
LSCGODDESS98 said:DUDE,calm down ...it seems like you cant take criticisum too well!!!!
im not knockin your car..dont get me wrong the outside looks very nice but imo(which im intitled to just like everyone else here) the interior could have been done a lil better before posting pic's.
and btw my friend..my name is LSCGODDESS98 and don't forget it ...it's NOT lscwhatever98 Capice!
LSCGODDESS98 said:Oh Come On Give Me A Break Already...spelling Isn't The Issue Here.
And Childern Don't Drive...and Im Far From Being A Child. Hah!
LSCGODDESS98 said:don't you think everyone has a right to their own opinion... and did i ask you about how old your are? nnno!
you know what you can do...mind ur business and go shhit in ur hat ok. end of story!