New Mark VIII owner and Member on LVC


LVC Member
Jun 25, 2009
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Hi Guys,

I'm a new member here and glad to be part of the gang. I was watching here for a while even before I bought my '98 Mark VIII LSC. I'm in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and the Gen 2 Mark VIII is sort of hard to find around here (at least when you're looking for a good one to buy on a budget) so I'm happy to be part of the club. I can't wait to actually start driving mine! That story is explained in a new thread that I hope you'll read.

I've posted a new thread in the Mark VIII section about a problem after a motor swap. I invite you to look at it and lend me your thoughts.

Great to be here!

New Member


I'm new to the group and just found this forum searching Lincoln Mark VIII. I have a Black 1997 with 78,000 miles and a faux convertible black roof. I converted the air system to coils and headlights to HID. The car runs great and looks great too even though the ruff Michigan winters has started to rust some of the underside of the car.

Best Wishes,

I'll get the grease and the wooden spoon you bring the pyrodex frog.

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