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LVC Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Morning all,

My name is Rob, and I'm about to purchase my first LS. It is a 2000 V8 (silver) with around 198k on it.

Could you all "fast track" me on what to expect from this car, as all cars have there for sure failures and misgivings.

Thanks in advance, and I'll post pics when I have it.

The 1st thing I would do is have the transmission fluid looked at, and almost certainly replaced. There are machines out there that do a great job of completly removing old fluid, and adding the exact amount of new fluid, about 17 quarts, as I have just had it done. Don't bother looking for the dipstick, there isn't one. Replace the fuel filter too. Spark plugs are also due to be replaced, but before you do this, see if you need coils, and replace what you need there.
If you haven't bought it yet, have them do it.
You will get lots of good advice here, the people are very friendly, and most of them love their LS's
Good luck, these can be great fun cars if you take care of them.
Thank you very much. I will do those very things, and so far sound to be perventative maintance. I've been looking throught the galleries and notice that the V8 model is "kinda" tight in the engine compartment. Changing plugs looks like it could be a big job.. could anyone comment on this?

As for the coil packs, I'm assuming they are like the ones on my 2001 F150 5.4L... every plug has one... and kinda expensive. Other than failure how do you know that they need replacing?

i would not advise to purchase an LS with 198k unless it was really cheap, around 4k or so. there are a lot of problems that arise from a high milage vehicle and with the LS those problems tend to come up more often. of course there are always the cars that are well maintained and up to date on all fluids and part checks but you run the risk of getting a car that wasn't well maintained. just my .02 cents
i would not advise to purchase an LS with 198k unless it was really cheap, around 4k or so. there are a lot of problems that arise from a high milage vehicle and with the LS those problems tend to come up more often. of course there are always the cars that are well maintained and up to date on all fluids and part checks but you run the risk of getting a car that wasn't well maintained. just my .02 cents

+ 2 welcome bud.

Wow buying any car with that many miles is a very huge risk. Allot of people I know wont bother looking over 50-60K desptie the price.
Wow. This could turn into a voting thread, but all sound (protective) advice.

The car is selling for that 4k value and as always looks ok. In Canada (yes the northern state) we have to have cars emission tested and safetied in order to register the car in our name. This car required tires for a safety and the owner has replaced them. It passed a emission test last September with flying colors... and thats about all I know.

How about we put the purchase of this car in the hands of the "LvC" cyber family, and I will collect as much information as possible... and we vote.

I place 4 thousand dollars in hands of faceless people... " You decide if I drive". ( this could turn into a reality show... should we talk royalities:) )

You guys are great!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the picture attached to the sale of this car....

+3, I wouldn't spend my money on that car. Not a first-year production, no car with that many miles, period.
+3, I wouldn't spend my money on that car. Not a first-year production, no car with that many miles, period.

So then you lead me to believe that the 2000 models have inherited problems?
Also good to know the 2000 was the first draft.. as you are right about getting the bugs out.

Great input... thanks King.
2003 was also a first production year for that generation.

First-year production and a model refresh and face lift are a little different. The 2nd Gen LS had over 200 changes made to the car to make it run better and look better. Things like coils are under warranty for 100,000 miles as well. Power was increased, ride comfort and much much more.

I just think that he would be better off putting his money into a nicer, lower mileage LS if he really wants one.
Eh, I'd say it was more of a facelift but I see your point. At almost 200k miles the kinks have to had been worked out.
First-year production and a model refresh and face lift are a little different. The 2nd Gen LS had over 200 changes made to the car to make it run better and look better. Things like coils are under warranty for 100,000 miles as well. Power was increased, ride comfort and much much more.

I just think that he would be better off putting his money into a nicer, lower mileage LS if he really wants one.

500 changes.
Tastes great.. Less filling :D

So if I'm understanding you guys, I'm getting the "vibe" that i shouldn't purchase this car unless the price comes down to the 3k mark??

I'm seriously looking for an additional car, so I'm not driving the F150 crewcab everywhere... yes it's a gas issue. And I wanna a car to drive. I have a 68 mustang fastback that can not (will not) become a daily driver. And the wife drives a leased Mazda6 (going back next year).

I've always loved the look of the LS, but always heard ghost stories... Suspension is crap. Spent more time on the hoist instead of the road. Etc etc.
Also always found it odd that the car didn't hold a decent resell value.
Go for an 03 + Period. You can get an LS first Gen, for about 6-7G's with high milage, 198k thats ridiculous, and the asking price if its high for that milage, I'd smack the owner and tell him/her to wake the hell up. lol
where you located robroy? those little vineyard trees look familiar around here, (leamington)
Ontario, Niagara on the Lake area, better said for all our Amercian Brothers.. the Niagara Falls area.

Which brings up a very good point that the owner of the car I'm looking at could be a member of the forums... interesting.
Changing plugs looks like it could be a big job.. could anyone comment on this?

If you look in the "Tech Articles" link at the top of the page, there are how-tos on plug changing and other stuff for the LS. Might give you an idea of some of the more common maintenance tasks/repairs.

Good luck on the purchase! :)
It comes down to what you feel comfortable paying and whether the car checks outs with a mechanic who is worth a darn. I bought a 2000 with 103,000 on it for right at 7500 but the history was documented thoroughly. Since that time I've put 50,000 miles on it and all that I've done is the valve cover gaskets, 1 coil, coolant reservoir tank and a thermostat(my choice). Less than $1,100 in service costs over a 2 year period. I do have a few weird things with my reverse but even it has seemed to get much better. Regardless, I'm in heaven with the vehicle. :)
hey look in the right places i found my 00 ls v8 online for 9500 with 58k on it so look around some more you will find something.
Well guys, I'm going to start looking at 2dr honda Accords V6.

I took one for a drive today, and they are nice. So I'll expand my search for both and let the first "deal" dictate the purchase.

Been doing alot of reading in the last couple days, and I'm wondering if it is the melding of Jaguar into the Ford line up that condems that LS??

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