New Original Stock Found: 96 Mark VIII HID housings, new in box


Active LVC Member
Nov 5, 2011
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Located at a dealership in california, going for about 475 a side plus shipping, sealed in boxes; too spendy for me, but if anyone doesnt mind dropping nearly a grand on brand new housings, give me a holler and I can relay their phone number and the name of the contact; they were a former lincoln dealership that sold their franchise a number of years ago.
Who ****ing told them they were valuable! Shoulda said aaahhhhhh Ill take those of your hands.
They're brand new, at a dealership, which means they could POSSIBLY have SOME sort of warranty. That's about the right price for something at a Ford Dealership thou even if its the last set in existence
Who ****ing told them they were valuable! Shoulda said aaahhhhhh Ill take those of your hands.

I so tried that. :p

His response was: "Well I'm not even making 50 dollars a piece off of them." He wouldn't go any lower.

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