Your smart yet retarded at the same time. You have a de-stroked jag motor and your talking about chevy engines being an insult. Do you actually believe your bullchit? I'm guessing your not sure til you finish typing. So because he has a chevy motor in a Lincoln that should have a Jag motor in your eyes he is the village idiot and the car is the daughter and we here at LVC are unwashed scum. I just wanna make sure that I got this right because if your were standing in front of me saying this, I would give you one these *holds up fist* right in your suck-hole.
This bickering between y'all is amussing i must say.
i agree, EVEYONE don't have the time nor the money
to rebuild a motor, specially if thats their only car,
or if they just dont feel like speading all that time
doing it. if they wanna buy parts off the self vs. having
them special made. then so be it!... leave them alone.
and as for hot rodding, it aint the 50's and 60's times
have changed. sorry y'all had to use a open fire, a log,
and a sledge hammer to make custom parts.
just saying, just cause "you" "built and have the fastest land speed
record" dont mean your s h i t dont stink. to me its kind of sad
to say that you hold the record and tell ppl where to go to see
your name and car, but yet since it was your project, and your car
why not post pictures of you working on the car or driving it
other than whats on the web. i can look up a bad a s s car that
has a name to go with it and say ITS ME!!! but i dont cause thats childish.
and giving your like 102 since youve done so much with your life
id like to think an old man wouldnt lie about something like that.
but stranger things have happend... like the lsx. lol
i wouldnt have put a chevy motor in a ford... but i didnt built it,
it was outta my hands. so i cant do nothing but to apprietiate the fact
that someone took the time to make it look good in there.
Bit ching about it is not going to change the car, and the fact on how
ppl wanna build thier cars, and how they build them.
so buck up pal.... itll be ok mr. landspeed record