New problem


Active LVC Member
Nov 20, 2006
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2004 LS V8. I'm in bumper to bumper traffic, everyone stops for a car turning left. When traffic starts moving, the car doesn't want to go, feels like the commercial where the guy is dragging the big anchor. With the pedal about halfway to the floor engine winds up to about 3500 rpm but won't go faster than about 35 mph and won't upshift. Give it a little more gas, it downshifts and takes off like a scalded dog, I about cream the car in front of me. Traffic stops again, same problem, I've got the accelerator halfway to the floor just to hold 35 mph.

Anyone seen this?
My 04 had a clogged catalytic convertor at only 5000 miles, same symptoms. They replaced the cat and the car was back to normal.
It could be a brake problem. Sometimes the inner lining of the brake hoses can break creating a check valve in itself. But if 02v8sport had the same symptoms then I'd go with his first.
No check engine light? Go and try and pull codes on it anyway. If it's a 2004, then is it still under warranty? I'd just take it to the dealership and make it their problem and get your rental whilethey take care of it.

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