New Thread...Bush / Kerry Debate

They didn't say anything because John Kerry was never about to be Commander in Chief of the most powerful army in the world.

I would rather the Kerry supporters use the argument that the Swift Boat people are just jealous. That would make more sense.

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are trying to prevent a guy from assuming a position of power that they believe he is totally incompetent to occupy. I have to agree with them.

Everything in Kerry's past points to a disaster waiting to happen if he is elected. Terrorists will know they have a free rein to hit first as we ask questions second. The Communists will know Kerry doesn't have the backbone to confront them and take them on and they, along with many Islamic groups will make moves to strengthen their positions.

Look, Kerry tried with 4-5 deferments, to get out of serving. When he knew that he was about to be drafted, he 'volunteered' for the Navy on a nice safe boat out in the ocean. When he saw that Swift Boats were cool and safe, he signed up for that. He whined like a baby when the swift boats roles changed. Then he looked for the easiest way out by 'claiming' 3 purple hearts. He wrote himself glowing reports, shat on his fellow officers in after-action reports, filed false claims to be granted medals, photographed himself for posterity's sake (even setting up scenes like a movie producer), and then took the first boat out of Nam.

What did he do when he got back? Provided aid and comfort to the enemy. Again shat on his fellow officers and soldiers. Why? To further his own personal agenda. He is a traitor to his country and should be in jail. He should be stripped of his medals and should be forced to resign from the Senate, in which he occupies a position that is illegal to be held (read the Constitution) by an individual with his criminal record.

I have read Kerry's 1st book, and the swift boat book. I am trying to get a copy of his "Tour of Duty' fiction book.

I strongly dislike this guy. I hate everything he stands for. Although I am a Bush supporter, I would take anybody, even Ross Perot, Al Gore, hell , even Michael Dukakis over this John Fonda Kerry fellow.

I am sorry if I offend some of you with my views but I am even more offended that many in this country blindly support a guy simply because of his party affiliation. People are simply too damn stupid to think on their own. I am sick of it.

The only reason Kerry is still standing is because of the overwhelming liberal media viewpoint in the MSM. I am taking comfort that when all the truths finally come out, the Main Stream Media will have finally been exposed for the phony panderers they all are.

Peace and love to all. I am not angry, just disappointed that people are still drinking the Kerry Koolaid.
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I am sorry if I offend some of you with my views but I am even more offended that many in this country blindly support a guy simply because of his party affiliation. People are simply too damn stupid to think on their own. I am sick of it.

Peace and love to all. I am not angry, just disappointed that people are still drinking the Kerry Koolaid.
No offense taken Bryan --- thats the point of this foprum, express your views BUT be friends at the end of the day. Hence, my sig.......

And ---- As you know, im not drinking Kerry Kool Aid --- This is an overall tight election, split basically 50/50.........

What's a political forum for if not to express our personal views? There's always going to be two sides, and sometimes more. As long as we're civil and ready for the repercussions of what we post, it's pretty fun. Heck, sometimes it's fun even when we aren't civil :bash: . But at the end of the day, hopefully we all perceive each other as friends through this wonderful electronic medium. Even my wife is a democrat, LOL. There's a lot more debate coming with the Republican National Convention next week and the presidential debates (probably in October). I'm not much of a "digger" like some are. I prefer to analyze what's posted. And I've been doing a lot of analyzing here lately.

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Ooops. Just got a copy of his resume. Looks good.


My name is John Kerry and I would like to report for duty. Here is my resume for your review.

(We've never had an ethics problem with two Democratic lawyers in the Whitehouse before - why worry now?)

NAME: John F. Kerry

RESIDENCE: 7 mansions, including Washington, DC, all worth multimillions.


Law Enforcement. I voted to cut every law enforcement, CIA and defense bill in my career as a US Senator. (Source: Congressional Record) I ordered Boston to remove a fire hydrant which I considered unsightly, in front of my mansion, thereby endangering my neighbors in the event of fire. (Source: Boston Globe)


I used three minor injuries to get an early discharge from the military and served four months in Vietnam (as documented by the attending doctor). I then returned to the US, joined Jane Fonda in protesting the war, and insulted returning Vietnam vets, claiming that I and they committed atrocities and were baby killers. I threw my medals, ribbons, or something away in protest. Of course I did not report these atrocities when they happened nor did I try to stop them. (Source: My book; Vietnam Veterans Against the War: The New Soldier shows how I truly feel about the military. I deplore the military!)


I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. (Source: Registrar @ Yale University and many national news media) Unlike my counterpart George Bush, I did not get admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A


I was Lietenant Governor under Michael Dukakis and I ran George McGovern's campaign. I ran for U.S. Congress and have been there ever since. I have no real world experience except that of a gigolo, by marrying rich women and running HJ Heinz vicariously through my wife Teresa. (Source: Every major news media)


Name one!

But, as a US Senator I set the record for the most liberal voting record, exceeding even Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. I have consistently failed to support our military and CIA by voting against budgets, thus gutting our country's ability ! to defend itself. Although I voted for the Iraq War, now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it. I voted for every liberal piece of legislation.(Source: Congressional Record) I have no plan (well, I have a plan but it's a secret) to help this country but I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am elected. (Source: Every major news media, based on what he has promised.)

My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, that he will never catch up. I make no or little charitable contributions and have never agreed to pay any voluntary excess taxes in MA, despite family wealth in excess of $700 million. (Source: Campaign Disclosure Act)

I (we) own 28 manufacturing plants (Heinz) outside of the U.S. in places like Asia, Mexico and Europe.(Source: US News and World Report, Time) We can make more profit from the cheaper cost of labor in those Countries, although I like to blame George Bush for sending all of the jobs out of the US.

I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, while! Ted Kennedy and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard as it might spoil our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts. (Source: Boston Globe)


Name one thing that I have done in my 20+ years in Congress that is noteworthy PERSONAL I ride a Serotta Bike.* My Gulfstream V Jet, I call The Flying Squirrel.* I call my $850,000 42-foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht! The "Scarmouche." * I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and feel it reflects our real culture. (Source: Time)

I own several "Large" SUVs including one parked at my Nantucket summer mansion, though I am against large polluting inefficient vehicles and blame George Bush for the energy problems. I also own an Audi but I told the auto workers union I only buy US made vehicles. (Source: Time )


Kerry's call sign while in Nam... Boston Strangler. At least he got the initials right. BS
And if you don't know who this serial killer is, here is an excerpt. I am so glad Kerry picked positive role models to emulate.

Written by Tenna Perry
"During a nineteen-month reign of terror, the serial killer known as the Boston Strangler murdered 13 women ranging in ages between nineteen and eighty.

It began on Thursday, June 14, 1962 with the murder of 55-year-old Anna Slesers in an apartment at 77 Gainsborough Street in Boston, Massachusetts. Annas son Juris Slesers arrived at the apartment about 7 pm and became concerned after repeated attempts of knocking on the door elicited no response from his mother. Juris entered the apartment by knocking down the door at which time he discovered his mothers body in her bathroom wearing a housecoat that had been left open, leaving her naked from the shoulders down. The murderer had strangled Mrs. Slesers with the belt of her own housecoat, then tied it around her neck in the shape of a bow. "

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Ah, I am so glad that 50% of our population wants a war criminal to run our great country. Thanks guys.

(Audiotape, April 18, 1971):

MR. CROSBY NOYES (Washington Evening Star): Mr. Kerry, you said at one time or another that you think our policies in Vietnam are tantamount to genocide and that the responsibility lies at all chains of command over there. Do you consider that you personally as a Naval officer committed atrocities in Vietnam or crimes punishable by law in this country?

SEN. KERRY: There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free fire zones. I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50 calibre machine guns, which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people. I took part in search and destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare, all of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions and all of this is ordered as a matter of written established policy by the government of the United States from the top down. And I believe that the men who designed these, the men who designed the free fire zone, the men who ordered us, the men who signed off the air raid strike areas, I think these men, by the letter of the law, the same letter of the law that tried Lieutenant Calley, are war criminal s.
[font=Arial,helvetica]Who's to blame for nation's Vietnam wounds? Kerry

[/font][font=Arial,helvetica]August 29, 2004


"In his testimony to Congress in 1971, Kerry asserted a scale of routine war crimes unparalleled in American history -- his ''band of brothers'' (as he now calls them) ''personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads . . . razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.'' Almost all these claims were unsupported. Indeed, the only specific example of a U.S. war criminal that Kerry gave was himself." (see above quote).

When I read that last line, it was Fruity Pebbles on the keyboard time.

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Kerry honored at communist museum. Hello!!! Now why would that be?

[font=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][size=+2]Kerry honored at communist museum[/size][/font]
[font=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][size=+1]Photograph hangs in section devoted to war protesters[/size][/font]

[size=-1]Posted: June 1, 2004
12:14 p.m. Eastern

[/size][font=Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times]

[font=Palatino, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times, serif]
[size=-1]© 2004 [/size][/font]

A Ho Chi Minh City museum that honors Vietnam war protesters features a photograph of Sen. John Kerry being greeted by the general secretary of the Communist Party, Comrade Do Muoi.

A snapshot of the display in the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum – formerly known as the "War Crimes Museum" – was acquired over the weekend by Jeffrey M. Epstein of Vietnam Vets for the Truth, a group opposing Kerry's campaign for the presidency.


Vietnam veteran Bill Lupetti took this photograph of a display at a Ho Chi Minh City museum honoring war protesters.A spokesman with Kerry's national campaign did not return a call from WND seeking comment.

Dude, if Kerry makes the presidency i think we will see monstermark with a bandana and a belt of bullets going for the white house to handle some business. LOL j/k

I will tell you one thing that kinda bothers me, when bush is asked about kerrys ads, he supports kerry. Thats great, but then he goes on to lay it on kinda thick. It seems a bit unimportant but that kinda bothers me. He recognizes kerry's service as long as someone else is condemning it.

Beyond that i think all this swift boat talk makes a nice diversion to avoid issues. It seems that we are election a face and not a leader. I have never heard bush talk about health care and jobs, but he sputtered it out in ohio: were back on track. 3.8 percent improvement in the economy, sounds like a broad average, how about some labor bureau statistics, etc.

I guess i can tell that all of his messages that he is giving to me are pretty much written by someone else. If i want an actor that will read what he is given i think i will vote for the local newscaster. How bout that sellout bill bonds.
"I will tell you one thing that kinda bothers me, when bush is asked about kerrys ads, he supports kerry. Thats great, but then he goes on to lay it on kinda thick. It seems a bit unimportant but that kinda bothers me. He recognizes kerry's service as long as someone else is condemning it."

Bush is going to be criticized no matter how he responds. He'll be either not supportive enough of Kerry's service record which will be interpretted by Bush-haters as an approval of the anti-Kerry ads. Or he's too supportive, which will be interpretted through reverse-psychology by Bush-haters as an approval of the anti-Kerry ads. Pick your poison.

"I guess i can tell that all of his messages that he is giving to me are pretty much written by someone else. If i want an actor that will read what he is given i think i will vote for the local newscaster."

He's using statistics that are compiled by someone else. And so does everyone else. All candidates have speech writers, too. All candidates have strategists that tell them what to stress and what to avoid and where to go, etc., etc. Kerry is just better at fooling some about it I guess.

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