Dedicated LVC Member
They didn't say anything because John Kerry was never about to be Commander in Chief of the most powerful army in the world.
I would rather the Kerry supporters use the argument that the Swift Boat people are just jealous. That would make more sense.
The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are trying to prevent a guy from assuming a position of power that they believe he is totally incompetent to occupy. I have to agree with them.
Everything in Kerry's past points to a disaster waiting to happen if he is elected. Terrorists will know they have a free rein to hit first as we ask questions second. The Communists will know Kerry doesn't have the backbone to confront them and take them on and they, along with many Islamic groups will make moves to strengthen their positions.
Look, Kerry tried with 4-5 deferments, to get out of serving. When he knew that he was about to be drafted, he 'volunteered' for the Navy on a nice safe boat out in the ocean. When he saw that Swift Boats were cool and safe, he signed up for that. He whined like a baby when the swift boats roles changed. Then he looked for the easiest way out by 'claiming' 3 purple hearts. He wrote himself glowing reports, shat on his fellow officers in after-action reports, filed false claims to be granted medals, photographed himself for posterity's sake (even setting up scenes like a movie producer), and then took the first boat out of Nam.
What did he do when he got back? Provided aid and comfort to the enemy. Again shat on his fellow officers and soldiers. Why? To further his own personal agenda. He is a traitor to his country and should be in jail. He should be stripped of his medals and should be forced to resign from the Senate, in which he occupies a position that is illegal to be held (read the Constitution) by an individual with his criminal record.
I have read Kerry's 1st book, and the swift boat book. I am trying to get a copy of his "Tour of Duty' fiction book.
I strongly dislike this guy. I hate everything he stands for. Although I am a Bush supporter, I would take anybody, even Ross Perot, Al Gore, hell , even Michael Dukakis over this John Fonda Kerry fellow.
I am sorry if I offend some of you with my views but I am even more offended that many in this country blindly support a guy simply because of his party affiliation. People are simply too damn stupid to think on their own. I am sick of it.
The only reason Kerry is still standing is because of the overwhelming liberal media viewpoint in the MSM. I am taking comfort that when all the truths finally come out, the Main Stream Media will have finally been exposed for the phony panderers they all are.
Peace and love to all. I am not angry, just disappointed that people are still drinking the Kerry Koolaid.
I would rather the Kerry supporters use the argument that the Swift Boat people are just jealous. That would make more sense.
The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are trying to prevent a guy from assuming a position of power that they believe he is totally incompetent to occupy. I have to agree with them.
Everything in Kerry's past points to a disaster waiting to happen if he is elected. Terrorists will know they have a free rein to hit first as we ask questions second. The Communists will know Kerry doesn't have the backbone to confront them and take them on and they, along with many Islamic groups will make moves to strengthen their positions.
Look, Kerry tried with 4-5 deferments, to get out of serving. When he knew that he was about to be drafted, he 'volunteered' for the Navy on a nice safe boat out in the ocean. When he saw that Swift Boats were cool and safe, he signed up for that. He whined like a baby when the swift boats roles changed. Then he looked for the easiest way out by 'claiming' 3 purple hearts. He wrote himself glowing reports, shat on his fellow officers in after-action reports, filed false claims to be granted medals, photographed himself for posterity's sake (even setting up scenes like a movie producer), and then took the first boat out of Nam.
What did he do when he got back? Provided aid and comfort to the enemy. Again shat on his fellow officers and soldiers. Why? To further his own personal agenda. He is a traitor to his country and should be in jail. He should be stripped of his medals and should be forced to resign from the Senate, in which he occupies a position that is illegal to be held (read the Constitution) by an individual with his criminal record.
I have read Kerry's 1st book, and the swift boat book. I am trying to get a copy of his "Tour of Duty' fiction book.
I strongly dislike this guy. I hate everything he stands for. Although I am a Bush supporter, I would take anybody, even Ross Perot, Al Gore, hell , even Michael Dukakis over this John Fonda Kerry fellow.
I am sorry if I offend some of you with my views but I am even more offended that many in this country blindly support a guy simply because of his party affiliation. People are simply too damn stupid to think on their own. I am sick of it.
The only reason Kerry is still standing is because of the overwhelming liberal media viewpoint in the MSM. I am taking comfort that when all the truths finally come out, the Main Stream Media will have finally been exposed for the phony panderers they all are.
Peace and love to all. I am not angry, just disappointed that people are still drinking the Kerry Koolaid.
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