New Tower hits 4.2Mhz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LMAO!! Get the PC version, it's cheaper, outplays ANY console and there is an amzing online following. My name is "YourDad" on there.

Ah you friggin communists :rolleyes: Yeah I've played a few PC games in my day. Very fast paced and accurate compared to consoles. Did you get yourself a good gaming mouse and all that?
You may have a newer dvd than I do. I bought the game when it first came out, so after installing I was on 1.0 (see bottom right of screen at the main menu, it'll say something like 1.7 now.

I just patched it up to 1.7 now so I'm good to play online. Got xfire geno? My tag is TheRev813, its like aim for gamers.

I had the logitech g6 but honestly it sucked. Now I have a regular cordless laser and it does the job.
Yeah I had that when we first started selling it at staples, worked good for a while. Probably better for you with all the graphic design and what not. The hyperscolling is awesome, as well as switching back and forth between free scroll and the normal click-click scrolling, good luck
Let me know if you ever get to mess with some AVCHD files.
My computer can't handle the 1920x1080 AVCHD 16M files.
When rendering 16mb/s m2ts files, computer stutters.
If any computer gurus can steer me in the right direction, I'd appreciate.
I got a guy that wants to sell me the company demo unit, a Sony PMW-EX1 XDCAM CMOS, that does 35mb/s full hd so I'm a little leery what it might take to use those files.

Mark, what rendering software are you using? The two common ones I am reading about are Pinnacle and Sony Vegas. I'm curious to see if the developer has any recommendations, or a specific graphics card that their rendering engine works best on. Also I'd be interested in knowing if they have 64-bit compatible versions, as that may make all the difference in the world. Or, you may also just be able to pop in a beefier graphics card in your existing system instead of buying a whole new one - no need to drop two grand on a rig if a five hundred dollar card will do the trick.

I do not have xfire. I have the This Mouse. Works awesome.

I'm gonna be sacrilegious here.... have been using one of these for six years now. I absolutely love it, but then again, I'm not a gamer.
I got a MX revolution also, it rocks. I game with that and a belkin n52 speed pad. My cod4 name is LizVicious. Yeah boy, get rocked by the porn star!!!
My BIOS reset or some :q:q:q:q when my PSU died. :( I dont know how to mess with the :q:q:q:q so i'm running @ 3.0ghz now :( :(
(don't buy from newegg, you can get it $20 cheaper other places)

Nice, now your learning. They actually SUCK for $$$ unless there is a blowout or special. If I built my tower solely through them I priced out $3466.82!!!!!! I built my tower for a tick under 3k and only got ONE thing (Ram) from them.
WOW just finished up the reseat of the CPU Cooler. I added a 7/8 washer on top of the cooler to sure up the contact better then before, this time around I used silver paste instead of the white stuff.

Also added the extra Noctua P-12 fan and Thermalright shroud. Amazing temp drops!!! LOOK! I used to idle at 39 cpu and 41 mb. NOW if totally idle ill get 29/30!!!!!!!!!!! Under a medium load with PS open and about 10 windows is only 31-32 cpu to 35-39 mb!!! Cannot believe this!!







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