Newbie From Redondo Beach Ca - Hi!


LVC Member
Jul 24, 2005
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Redondo Beach
:C I own a '98 Cadillac Eldorado etc and I love it!! I wish I could afford to buy a brand new but for now this doesn't hurt - at all! I hope that I'll be able to share my experiences as well as learn some new things here with all the members of LVC so if you have a Cadillac and need help let me know I've owned 4 other Cadillac's besides this one and have had my share of complications (to say the least) and have made it my personal goal to learn as much as I can about my new baby so that I can prevent some of my previous problems with cars on this one :) Anyways.. I live in sunny southern CA and am proud to say that Cadillac's ROCK!

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car rear view.JPG
I was in California a couple of months ago. Not only do you live in a beautiful state, but you have a beautiful car as well! Some guys have all the luck. Welcome aboard!

EDIT: I just read in another thread that you're a lady. So I'll rephrase my line above: "Some women have all the luck." Sorry 'bout that. :Beer
Thanks for all the kind greetings & compliments & Kbob - don't worry I'm not offended - at first I wasn't going to mention what sex I was because I thought maybe it would be better to be one of the 'guys' but then I thought why shouldn't I just be myself and hopefully people will still want to take my advice based on merit & knowledge? Right? I know its hard for a lot of men to admit that women can know a few things about cars too but some of us actually do - amazing isn't it?! I grew up with 4 brothers - no sisters - and know a lot about cars because my dad is a mechanic and they (all the men in the house) used to work on old cars all the time and if I wanted to be around them I had to learn a few things. Getting my first car which was a 1967 Firebird then my second being a 77 Firebird and I've had a lot more of those but I learned a lot fixing those first cars up - boy was that fun! Anyways.. just thoght I'd give a little bit of my car history experience & for the last oh few years (I'm not an old lady either by the way!) I've decided to take the classy sports car approach hence the Eldorado experience & have been proud to be an owner (multiple times) of these sometimes finicky always classy beautiful sporty cars :)
Beautiful car! They look so elegant in black. That is one of my favorite body styles for Eldorados. My absolute favorite was still the fiist ones. They were absolutely gorgeous. I see a lot of the original styling touches in your edition. Welcome to the forums. There's a bunch of really good folks here.

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