Nice While It Lasted


LVC Member
Nov 28, 2014
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St. John
Well, I knew it was too good to be true. The '03 LS V8 (128k miles) has been running like a top for about a month. On the way home from work this afternoon, it went into fail safe mode on a major Chicago X-way. I pulled over, restarted and it got me home/ran fine. My trusty Actron scanner pulled codes P2107 and P2010 indicating the most common problem is the coils and plugs (again). RockAuto/Motorcraft coils, plugs and VCG's will run around $475. I'll sleep on the decision overnight, but I think it's good money after bad.
Ehh, coils and plugs on these cars are just basic maintenance. You know, like how other cars require gasoline to be added to the tank when it's empty or how you have to replace wiper blades every 6 months. If you like the car, just keep it and expect to replace the coils every so often, like when the weather changes or your carpet needs vacuuming. It's just one of the quirks of the car, needing coils more often than other cars. In fact, it's the first step to repairing a lot of stuff on this car. Ever read a repair manual on it? I'll give you an example of an LS repair procedure.

SYMPTOM - Tires appear flat.
1. Change COPs and spark plugs.
2. Use a tire gauge to measure tire air pressure.
3. See if the pressure matches the door pillar information or tire manufacturer recommendations. If low, add some air.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until air pressure is correct.

Simple, eh?
Ehh, coils and plugs on these cars are just basic maintenance. You know, like how other cars require gasoline to be added to the tank when it's empty or how you have to replace wiper blades every 6 months. If you like the car, just keep it and expect to replace the coils every so often, like when the weather changes or your carpet needs vacuuming. It's just one of the quirks of the car, needing coils more often than other cars.

ESPECIALLY when one insists on buying the El Cheapo coils and plugs. I changed the coils/plugs every 50-60K+ miles and the only problem I ever had with them was #4 on my wife's '06. That was at 50Kish so I just did all the coils and plugs. It's been over 20K miles and it still runs strong.
SYMPTOM - Tires appear flat.
1. Change COPs and spark plugs.
2. Use a tire gauge to measure tire air pressure.
3. See if the pressure matches the door pillar information or tire manufacturer recommendations. If low, add some air.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until air pressure is correct.

Simple, eh?

Hahaha. Sad but true though...
I bought ebay coils, got 6 for $40. just replaced my last ones that worked fine after 75k miles, oil in plug holes killed the rubber boots, so new coils. plugs were $12 on sale at autozone with manufacturer rebate. plugs are autolite double platinum. check for rebate coupons on autozone and other parts center online.
Anyone have experience with the BWD coils sold by Advance Auto? Made in USA. $49.00 less 30% = $34 each. Half the price of Motorcraft which have failed twice now.
It's a different animal, but I put a BWD coil pack (truly a coil pack, three coils firing six plugs) in my V6 Ranger. I had to replace it after about a year. I think I am coming up on one year on the replacement's replacement.
SYMPTOM - Tires appear flat.
1. Change COPs and spark plugs.
2. Use a tire gauge to measure tire air pressure.
3. See if the pressure matches the door pillar information or tire manufacturer recommendations. If low, add some air.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until air pressure is correct.

Simple, eh?

I laughed so hard. Waiting for my COPs and plugs to get here to start this years repair. My car likes to kill my O2 sensors at the same time though. :mad:
First the bad news. After reading all the postings regarding failure of the #4 COP causing interference with the PCM which can trigger "fail safe mode", I decided to pull the coil cover on the right/passenger side and take a look. The boots on #1 and 3 have some oil but boot #3 is literally swimming in oil. The fix is obviously all new coils and plugs after the valve cover gaskets are replaced. Unfortunately the car didn't make it into the garage when it this repair will have to wait for the first thaw. In the meantime any tips on replacing the VCG's..brand. sealing tips, etc would be appreciated as I would like to fix this the best way. The good news? I put some dye/leak detector in the coolant a couple of weeks ago hoping to find any suspected leaks. The plastic fitting on the upper radiator hose is seeping coolant...clearly indicated by the highly visible dye. So if I can get this baby running after replacing VCG's, plugs and's on to the cooling components. Good thing I enjoy DIY work.....othwerwise it would be a gas can and a match. Thanks all.
My original coils lasted to almost 100K. And they didn't fail---I replaced them with the Accels because I was pouring in an additional 100-150 HP of spray and methanol. The Accel replacements are still running strong at 153K.

You DO need to put gas in the car every once in a while also.

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plug well ring seals x8

The FelPros should come with them.... But mine might be leaking after only 6000 miles and 11 months... I'm hoping it's just a shoddy job cleaning when I did the replacements. I'll have to clean out the passenger side when I get around to regapping those 4; it was too cold to do anything extra on the driver side
ESPECIALLY when one insists on buying the El Cheapo coils and plugs. I changed the coils/plugs every 50-60K+ miles and the only problem I ever had with them was #4 on my wife's '06. That was at 50Kish so I just did all the coils and plugs. It's been over 20K miles and it still runs strong.

Ain't that the truth. I find it cheaper in the long run to use OEM parts where electronics are concerned. I'm too lazy to redo a job every few months.

I just hope Lincoln felt the same way when they changed the coils out at 80K for the previous owner. Currently sitting on about 135K now.
ESPECIALLY when one insists on buying the El Cheapo coils and plugs. I changed the coils/plugs every 50-60K+ miles and the only problem I ever had with them was #4 on my wife's '06. That was at 50Kish so I just did all the coils and plugs. It's been over 20K miles and it still runs strong.

This. I did coils and plugs when I got the car at 54k. I got the visteon's which I don't even think they make anymore, but I am now at 89k and haven't had any issues since.
Have to laugh. Last night I decided to open the box of FelPro VCG's ordered from Advance Auto. Only the two VCG's and 28 O-rings were included. The package containing the spark plug tube gaskets and five other miscellaneous O-rings was missing. Returned and reordered. Thank you Beijing!
Anyone have experience with the BWD coils sold by Advance Auto? Made in USA. $49.00 less 30% = $34 each. Half the price of Motorcraft which have failed twice now.
I've had 3 of them on my '03 LS8 for about 3 years and 120,000 miles. I just started having issues with one of them. They are USA made. I'd say they are good quality.
I've had 3 of them on my '03 LS8 for about 3 years and 120,000 miles. I just started having issues with one of them. They are USA made. I'd say they are good quality.

I also have not had problems with BWD products, although I have not used them on the Lincoln.
i used them on my old 04 ls8 and with 3 year warranty its a pretty good buy. what I did is buy all 8 at the same time it lasted for over 45k until my gaskets started leaking and then my ls was totaled. my 06 got all the coils replaced by the dealer when I hit 65k so hopefully I will get a good 50k out of them. bwd is good and grab the coupon from online and when you order 3 you get 1 free :) since its 50 bucks off for any order over $120
2003 LS Sport; 3.9L ; 128,000-mi; no accidents; needs coils, plugs, upper radiator hose, PCM ++???; Location NW Indiana, 35-miles SE of Chicago. If no interest it's tow and go to the scrap yard.
WOW!!!!!!! Enjoying DIY to scrapyard in 10 days!!

Why not just fix the things you know and then decide? The PCM isn't necessarily bad because of the failing coil; it just got blasted with some RF energy it couldn't rectify. Rash decisions in the heat if the moment are usually wrong and later regretted.
Not a hasty decision. I have driven every car I've owned to it's last breath. This car has been nothing but problems since day one....purchased new in 2003. Ford has replaced the coils and plugs three times under warranty...the PCM twice under warranty. It doesn't make sense to drop +$2,000 into a car that has a wholesale value of around $1,100. And even if fixed (temporarily) one will ride in it due to it's unreliability. I have a brother in law who was an engineer with Motorola and spent the better part of two years in England trying to get the Jaguar based LS to meet the US emissions standards. When I told him what I bought back in 2003, he stated "Good Luck with that car". The electronics are faulty/unreliable...which is why Ford was forced to honor a 100,000 mile warranty on the coils. It's been a fun ride but there comes a time to "Let her go". I do want to thank all those on this forum who provided so much knowledge/experience. I'll think of you every time I pass a stranded LS on the side of the road.
I can only say that your experience with your 03 has been very different from my experiences with my 04 and my 06 (both of which I still have and are still driven and depended on daily).
I believe the 03 was the first year of the "new (final) generation". I guess there is some truth to not buying the first model year when there is a major change.....the bugs are discovered in the field and the corrections applied to subsequent years. The fact my car spent the first six years in Chicago (extreme winters) and the final five years in Arizona (extreme heat) probably played a big part in it's premature demise.
The End

Born: April 25, 2003
Laid to Rest: March 3, 2015
Mileage: 128,435
Final resting place: Stan's Salvage Yard

The LS left me stranded by the side of the road for the last time. Death was premature due to the need for replacement of coils/plugs for the fourth time (replaced three times under warranty) , PCM for the second time (once under warranty) and all coolant hoses/fittings. Other failures common to this car are too numerous to mention and too time consuming to fix. With the reliability issues this make/model is known for, it just doesn't make sense to put $2,500 into a car with a wholesale value of $1,500....only to have it break down again.
I breathe a sigh of relief and now have to find something to do with my Saturdays.

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Wow that's exactly my car.

I'm not sure where you got your numbers from. You could of easily fixed it for like $500 and sold it for $4k.

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