Noob With 1997 Mark VIII wanting to customize.


LVC Member
Oct 20, 2006
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k guys i got a 97 mark viii, i dont know what LSC means, it might be that. my dad purchased this car back in 97 for about 60k+cdn and its still under 100k and runs pretty well, much better then the 05 navigator for sure.

what i kind of want to do....
-increase hp
-make louder
-exterior is fine so i wont it.

can someone give me a quick noob run down on how my mark viii really works and what i can do to increase hp and what kind of exhaust system is worth purchasing. so far what ive heard is chaning stock intake to cobra intake = 15+hp?

thanks !:eek:
Frogman said:
Eh. New Exhaust, Gears, Brakes, Intake, Tune, .... 5-7K will buy you quite a bit
well as far as shopping for these items, whats a good site that i can rely on shipping to canada? from what ive heard you can stick cobra engine parts into my motor, like the exhaust? this true?
another question....i keep getting this check engine told me it was my filter, so i changed that...went away for a few minutes then came back on....any ideas? plus the car keeps turning off when im stopped at a light or when i reverse and guessing its my fuel injector...i hope not.
sanj said:
another question....i keep getting this check engine told me it was my filter, so i changed that...went away for a few minutes then came back on....any ideas? plus the car keeps turning off when im stopped at a light or when i reverse and guessing its my fuel injector...i hope not.

Check your Idle Air Control valve,(AIC), it sits on top of your engine and has two small bolts fastening it to the intake manifold. Unclip the wire harness and remove the valve. Clean the inside of the valve w/ brake or carb/injector cleaner. Once it is shiny, replace it and see if that makes a difference.
Frogman said:
Your filter? OBDII doesn't check filters.
??? thats wierd, cause when my dads friend hooked his computer to the motor, it checked out for filter we changed it, sign went away for few minutes then came back. ill try what torquemonkey said, hopefully that works.
For another grand you can have a fresh rebuilt forged internal supercharged and juiced 550-600 rwhp setup, setup being everything from air intake to exhaust tips.
Before you buy anything get yourself a shop manual, either the CD/DVD version or ap real paperback set. That way you will be able to understand some of the projects you are asking about.

Engine 1.jpg
poniesviii said:
For another grand you can have a fresh rebuilt forged internal supercharged and juiced 550-600 rwhp setup, setup being everything from air intake to exhaust tips.
what kind of supercharger? where could i purchase this?

--frogman, i have no clue what the code was, the guy who did it used some sort of computer and it read that filter change was needed, we changed it and it ran a lot better smoother, but still got sign.

--and thats a beautiful engine wow
raodboss is that ur engine set up ? if so what is all done to it?
It's a forged internals,with the 03 Marauder Heads, 10.5 to one compression, KB 2.2L Intercooled runing 14lbs boost with 93 Octane tune, Kooks 3/4 length headers and 3" exhaust. It was tuned at Alternative Automotive by Lidio and put down 535RWHP on this conservative tune. So far both attempts to get it to the track have been rained out, but we will try again this spring to get a handle on it's e.t.s. I'm guessing high 11's.

Engine 2.jpg
Roadboss said:
So far both attempts to get it to the track have been rained out, but we will try again this spring to get a handle on it's e.t.s. I'm guessing high 11's.
You have one of the nicest Mark VIII engine bay and I hope that you're joking about high 11's:confused: 535 rwhp:D
sanj said:
what kind of supercharger? where could i purchase this?

--frogman, i have no clue what the code was, the guy who did it used some sort of computer and it read that filter change was needed, we changed it and it ran a lot better smoother, but still got sign.

--and thats a beautiful engine wow

Ugh. Pretty much rob parts from an '03 or '04 cobra.

It wont look like roadbosses' engine bay! That's niiice.
so do you guys suggest i invest into an intake and exhaust first? my engine needs a complete tune up, ill do it with my friend in a few weeks to get it running at its stock capacity, i know its not running at its potential atm....i still dont know where the AIC is on my engine, and my car has turned off a few times now.
You really should get yourself a cd or manual, as I have seen them on the auction site for about $10.00 and they can be a mosy valuable tool to keep your repair costs low. Everyone here is helpful as well, but you gotta help yourself a little.
k, ive decided that i wanna keep my stock exhaust tips cause they fit so well, but i do wanna make it louder for car also shakes a lot when doing 70mph+, its really annoying and i have no idea what it is, i know the car can get up to 130, but it shakes soo much that i just dont bother going above like 100. what could it be? breaks?
plus where would i need to put into my car to get atleast 400hp+? supercharger is in my mind, but is there anything else?
The vibration is from your driveshaft, you should pick up a 1 piece from a '93 VIII.

Is this in the FAQ section anybody? It should be!

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