Northernmost LS?


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 10, 2004
Reaction score
Ingersoll Ontario
I'm in Canada, that beats most of ya's - but I'm curious if there are any other members here who live pretty high up.

Ingersoll Ontario is at 43.1N and 80.8W
Sucks to be you guys. I was washing my car the other day barefoot and shorts. Todays a nice 77 degrees. (How do you type the little degree circle?)
I'm in Calgary, AB, so roadwarrior you have me beat. I also don't have the foot of snow that you do currently. Supposed to cool off this weekend though.
Fla02LS said:
Sucks to be you guys. I was washing my car the other day barefoot and shorts. Todays a nice 77 degrees. (How do you type the little degree circle?)

At least us northern guys don't have to wake up looking at the beautiful morning sky through their ceiling because a hurricane tore the roof off in the middle of the night. :p

As far as ASCII characters, click on start>Run>charmap.
Frogman said:
At least us northern guys don't have to wake up looking at the beautiful morning sky through their ceiling because a hurricane tore the roof off in the middle of the night. :p

As far as ASCII characters, click on start>Run>charmap.

If a hurricane did tear off my roof I would still have nice comfy weather and a skylight!! Key West FL.
Frogman said:
At least us northern guys don't have to wake up looking at the beautiful morning sky through their ceiling because a hurricane tore the roof off in the middle of the night. :p

I look at it this way. I have lived in Florida for 29 years. I can remember only a couple big hurricane threats and most were within the last few years, this year we had nothing. You guy can pretty much count on every single winter having cold ass weather, ice, snow. I'll take a potential hurricane every so often over every winter dealing with snow. Plus a hurricane is kinda fun and exciting.
Oh yeah. Every winter is cold around here, and I like it. It keeps the "soft people" out. lmao.

You can always pile on more clothes. but you can only take off so many clothes when you're hot, before you get arrested for indicent exposure. :lol:
Fla02LS said:
Sucks to be you guys. I was washing my car the other day barefoot and shorts. Todays a nice 77 degrees. (How do you type the little degree circle?)


With number lock on, use the number pad. Hold ALT+0186 (using number pad) and release.
Sure its cold out here. But winter driving is kinda fun, and having the cold in winter just makes the summer even better. We can also go skidoo'ing and ski'ing without having to travel very far. And in my opinion nothing beats sitting in a hot tub outside watching the snow fall.
Frogman said:
You can always pile on more clothes. but you can only take off so many clothes when you're hot, before you get arrested for indicent exposure. :lol:

Cant argue there... My wife is cold in 70º and I always tell her to put on a jacket.

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