Hello everybody, just taking up some bandwidth to pass on the good news.
My wife and I decided a couple of months back to work on another baby, today it was confirmed with the doctor that she is one month one week pregnant. We found out a few days ago at home, but decided to wait to confirm it before we passed on the news to friends and family. I am not one to be caught unaware, so as soon as we find out the gender, I'll pass it on.
Oh, and a few quick shots of my '00 V8 Sport.
My wife and I decided a couple of months back to work on another baby, today it was confirmed with the doctor that she is one month one week pregnant. We found out a few days ago at home, but decided to wait to confirm it before we passed on the news to friends and family. I am not one to be caught unaware, so as soon as we find out the gender, I'll pass it on.
Oh, and a few quick shots of my '00 V8 Sport.