not running at idle


New LVC Member
Aug 31, 2009
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I just returned from a 350 mile trip in my 2005 LS V8. first 300 miles car ran great put the pedal to the metal to pass a semi it ran great. let of the gas and it almost quit running, rough idle lower than it should be. On making it home I found that if I kept it above 3000Rpm it would almost run normal but really have trouble leaving a stop sign. the last 30 miles I took back roads to avoid stop signs and got it home in SST mode. go out to start it this morning same thing it wont idle but if I can get it above 3000 rpm it runs fine. Any Ideas?

Thanks Dennis

Buy the way I am second owner of this car and have had it 6yrs with no problems. replaced the cops at 66,000 mi. it now has 105,000 Mi.
COP's, clogged cats (from cops) or vacuum problem (blown hose... check the DPFE (on the middle of the cowl))...are my guesses
Whats a DPFE ??

Differential Pressure Feedback sensor. It's used to determine exhaust gas flow for the EGR valve and also serves as a MAP sensor. It's part of the EGR assembly. The hard plastic vacuum lines to the EGR assembly and the fuel pressure sensor can crack if you look at them the wrong way.
Differential Pressure Feedback sensor. It's used to determine exhaust gas flow for the EGR valve and also serves as a MAP sensor. It's part of the EGR assembly. The hard plastic vacuum lines to the EGR assembly and the fuel pressure sensor can crack if you look at them the wrong way.

and followed Louds link :)

interesting and critical part it seems and all suggestions say OEM only on that..

funny thing with looking up an acronym is the result may not have anything to do with what you are looking for.

like, GFY,,Good For You .. etc..
interesting and critical part it seems and all suggestions say OEM only on that..

honestly, it is my experience that there are very few times where this is not the case.(at least with the LS)
Thanks, I now know what a dpfe is and where it is, I don't have a code reader so cant check it out but just went and unplugged the maf and it started and ran almost like normal, but the exhaust really stinks. does this help ?
Dumping raw fuel into your expensive catalytic converters due to cylinder misfire would cause such a rotten egg stink on WOT.
Thanks, I now know what a dpfe is and where it is, I don't have a code reader so cant check it out but just went and unplugged the maf and it started and ran almost like normal, ...

It could be that your MAF is bad or dirty, but it is more likely that you have a vacuum leak somewhere (intake, manifold, PCV, ...).
just updating. replaced the MAF symptom's are gone runs great just like it used to.

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