I just returned from a 350 mile trip in my 2005 LS V8. first 300 miles car ran great put the pedal to the metal to pass a semi it ran great. let of the gas and it almost quit running, rough idle lower than it should be. On making it home I found that if I kept it above 3000Rpm it would almost run normal but really have trouble leaving a stop sign. the last 30 miles I took back roads to avoid stop signs and got it home in SST mode. go out to start it this morning same thing it wont idle but if I can get it above 3000 rpm it runs fine. Any Ideas?
Thanks Dennis
Buy the way I am second owner of this car and have had it 6yrs with no problems. replaced the cops at 66,000 mi. it now has 105,000 Mi.
Thanks Dennis
Buy the way I am second owner of this car and have had it 6yrs with no problems. replaced the cops at 66,000 mi. it now has 105,000 Mi.