The subject I believe is what I do in my spare time - sci fi cons, car shows, motorcycle riding lessons, golf, skeet shooting...
Are you riding the 250 Nighthawk or Rebel? That's what they usually use.
So, Foss - want to explain the little item regarding Libertarians and abortion... I am curious - where did you get the idea that Libertarians wanted abortion dealt with on a state law level?
The entire debate in this country is fundamentally messed up because we've seemingly forgotten that we have a federalist system.
Libertarians and right minded people recognize that there is no constitutional RIGHT to have access to abortions. Either the fetus is protected or the issue becomes a political one, to be dealt with at the state level of government.
Unfortunately, the issue was seized by judicial activists and frozen. A political compromise or resolve was never achieved. We've never even been allowed to really have an open and honest political dialog regarding the issue. The court decision succeed in making it a polarizing wedge issue with no room for resolve. And because of this judicial activism, this issue has dominated politics and divided the population along hyper-charged lines.
Going back to the point I made a moment ago, because the political structure of the country has been so radically distorted this century, we've seen progressives work to move this country from a federalist system, with state rights, to a nationalist one. There's no better single example of this bastardization than the passage of the 17th amendment in 1913, the election of U.S. senators by popular vote.
The federal government has limited power. And, as stated in the 10th amendment, the powers not granted to the national government nor prohibited to the states by the constitution of the United States are
reserved to the states or the people.
The problem is that NEITHER political party have been consistently true to the constitution. They have both effectively worked to expand the power of the federal government over the states. The Democrat party has completely abandoned any notions of federalism, limited government, or states rights and indoing so, disregard the constitution.
The Republican party has historically been split, more often than not, they've been big government types that support free enterprise and lower taxes. From TR to Hoover to Nixon and to some extent the Bush family.
And this is why the left/right chart is essentially flawed and totally worthless.
Because it should be a dual course chart covering a spectrum of more government to less government. In theory, you could have big government Republicans and small FEDERAL government Democrats. In practice, those Democrats no longer exist... and we need to get those Republicans out of office.
You can be a "Democrat" and support socialized medicine, but recognize that it is NOT a federal issue and should be resolved or experimented upon by the state.
Just as you can be a Republican who recognizes that there is ambiguity and confusion regarding the legality of abortion and that's an issue best left to be debated and resolved through honest debate at the state level.
There's also the issue of how power corrupts and that it's a huge mistake to centralize so much power in one place... in this case, Washington, D.C.