We'll see what happens tonight in Texas and Ohio
That is a hilarious picture!
We'll see what happens tonight in Texas and Ohio
...yes we helped win the war on the european front but it wasn't a singlehanded effort like the war in the Pacific.
More like a combined British, Russian, American effort.
...Obama has the least amount of issues with anything approaching a conflict of interest. Clinton has issues with her husband’s subversion of U.S. foreign policy in Kazakhstan. And John McCain, the straight-talking ethical reformer, has a senior campaign staff that is heavily dominated by professional lobbyists.
Europe's official language would be German if it weren't for America. So much for their "greater sense of history." :bowrofl:
Do you ever cite legitimate sources? Stop drinkin the kool-aid, my friend. That piece is euro-trash america bashing propaganda with no substance.
Europeans also have a greater sense of history than Americans do – and, sadly, they’d be hard-pressed not to, of course – which gives them a larger wisdom about power and human nature.
The hugely dominate political philosophy in Europe, egalitarian liberalism (progressivism, socialist-lite, whatever you wanna call it) has a blatant misunderstanding of human nature; an exceedingly unrealistic view. You can't support the programs that they do without subscribing to that unrealistic (and disproven) view of human nature.
Just as shocking is the fact that everything about the present war in Iraq has been a lie, as well.
This was a war trumped up with zero necessity. This was a war of power and profit. This was a war of immense deceits. This is a disastrous war of epic proportions.
again, distortion. Overlooks many things, selectively chooses information and a self-serving interpretation of that info to reach those absurd conclusions.
My guess is that Americans simply can’t go there, just as many can’t possibly entertain the thought that 9/11 might have been done by their government, or at least perhaps allowed to happen.
Ok, this guy just marginalized himself. We are talking Micheal Moore credibility here.
The other thing is that Europeans have a more mature politics than Americans do – let’s just come right out and say it. You can see it in their attitudes toward sexuality, drugs and crime. You can see it in their wholesale rejection of nationalism and religion, humanity’s worst mythologies and twin curses, wherever they arise. You can see it in their rejection of the juvenile selfishness that characterizes the American style of raw capitalism and obsessive consumption. And you can see it, especially, in their foreign policies and attitudes toward war. In large part because they so heavily and repeatedly paid the consequences of their own prior immaturity about war, their understanding and approach to it today are far more advanced than that of Americans.
How can you read this paragraph and not conclude that this article is distortion and propaganda?! This argument of this paragraph is basically Europeans are more mature and enlightened then Americans because they are liberal and accept liberal points of view. By extention, the author is saying that American conservatives are simple-minded fools. To reject a major political point of view out of hand like that is exeedingly illogical, and a cheap arguing tactic to avoid even acknowledging (let alone debating) a substantive point of view that the author disagrees with. I have no doubt that this author couldn't coherently convey an accurate opposing conservative point of view. Instead he would just set up a trojan horse argument so he can shoot it down, if not just writing it off as foolish without even debating it at all (ad hominem logical fallacy).
The whole article is doin' nothing more then saying that Bush and america are bad and americans are unenlightened fools compared to europeans. It is basically elitist crap, nothing more.
You ask "do you really look at a world view?", and no. The whole "world view" thing is nothing more then to say an elitist view, and I am wiser and more humble then that. The "world view" demonstrated in this article is just cherry-picked information and spin to support an unrealistic conclusion. It is nothing more then self-serving distortion; the author trying to be clever and spin things to meet his end, not drawing a logical conclusion based on the relevant data. I take a realistic view of the world, and prioritize American interests over other nations. Something you should try sometime.
while american companies were supplying the germans through the war.
america at first didn't want to get into the war and decrease profits of large corporations. then when the "communists" were finally turning the war around, u.s. steps in and takes all the glory. how quickly it's forgotten how many other countries outside of europe also stepped in before the americans showed up. notice gw's grandpas name in there as a nazi supplier.
why would i want to priortize american interests over interests of other nations? i'm Canadian.
i take a more world view of things rather than a self serving selfish centralist view.
there is more to the world than just american.
and you say a world view is "elitest?' you should stop drinking the kool-aid.
you obviously missed the link at the top of my bush resume, or you would of been a little long winded in your reply.
Fixed it for you.She is perpetually on the rag.
Fixed it for you.
I'm not a Shakespearean, but Google found this:Found the perfect quote for this and other nonsense.
I know it's from Shakespeare, but I hope someone can tell me which play. Something like: "Tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing."
You fail to mention that Russia took the brunt of casualties and bogged the germans down during Hitler's winter offensive.
Russia suffered many millions of troop casualties vs Americas 280,000.
Hitler's real downfall was attacking Russia instead of co opting them.
Let's not forget to look at the facts.
If it wasn't for Ross Perot back in '92, Republicans would have swept since Reagan in '80.
America still only trusts a Republican to sit in the chair.
America figures let the left wingers have fun in the House and Senate and supports the Dem giveaway programs every time but when it comes to national security, America wants an adult in the chair.
This year it will never be more apparent.
An intellectual lightweight with no experience vs Mr. Gravitas.
Obama has only been getting 50% of the Left. That puts him at 25% of the voting block. He has a long way to go to convince the Hillary supporters that he is a better choice than McCain.
Don't get your hopes up too high. Obama hasn't been challenged yet. Let's see how he responds after he gets knocked on his arse a few times.
I've already forwarded to the RNC the OBummer attack plan.
Obummer only talks about his decision to vote against Iraq when in reality he was the only one that didn't have a clue.
How dangerous a muslim sympathizer would be sitting in the Oval Office. You can't tell me he demonstrated 'great wisdom' by voting no. I would say the exact opposite. The fact that he voted 'No' should immediately disqualify him for Pres. After all, ALL of the Clinton administration had been pounding the WMD drumbeat way back in '98.
To ignore the world community that was in harmory over Iraq being a danger in possession of WMD makes Obummer a dangerous person. He'll get a bunch of us killed if he is elected.
If yo're going to play the Perot card, then fat-boy "Global Warming" Gore would have clearly won Florida if it wasn't for Ralph "I killed the Corvair, yeah for me" Nader.
Long way or not, he's doing extraordinarily well, for a guy with little experience on his resume.
My hopes aren't up per se, I'm unimpressed with the three we're being handed.
The whole "muslim conspiracy" thing is rediculous and the rhetoric of the paranoid.
The whole "muslim conspiracy" thing is rediculous and the rhetoric of the paranoid.
On the other hand Obama having lived abroad for a period and being exposed to other cultures will have a better understanding of the other 96% of the world's population than an ignorant simpleton like GW who didn't even know the difference between shiite and sunni muslums before launching his mission (un) accomplished.
On the other hand Obama having lived abroad for a period and being exposed to other cultures will have a better understanding of the other 96% of the world's population...