O2 Sensor Help


LVC Member
Jun 12, 2008
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1998 Mark Viii Lsc Gen 2
Check Engine Light Diagnosed P0171-system Too Lean-bank One, Changed Fuel Filter, No Luck, Suspect It Is Actually O2 Sensor. Questions: Where Can I Find Post, I Am Sure I'm Not The First To Ask, Is It On Manifold Etc., Difficulty In Changing (will Be Doing It Myself Anyway) And By All Means $$ I Am Looking At.
By The By, Thanks To All On Discontinued Hid Info Will Let You All Know How It Works Out With Agent.
Wow, Frogman. Are you planning a return for good?

I'm with Jeff on checking into the fuel pump first. The o2 sensors shouldn't put you back too much, but I've heard they are a pain in the ass.
Need Help Check Engine Code

Check Engine Light Diagnosed P0171-system Too Lean-Bank One; instead of trial and error I am going with the code being pushed (by so called experts) on O2 sensors, how many are there on 1998, please let me know. I am looking back to find out what I missed in the previous posts before being a member so I can catch up if ever on the joys of LVC.
thanks guys
I'm not even gonna try to do em on my own. I'm gonna have whoever does my exhaust do em!

I've heard of people taking shots to get up the gusto to do the 02s.
just have to get pissed, they come out-right tools like crow foot (21 mm I think) or especially O2 sensor sockets, spray them with penitrating oil so they come out - on a first gen the passerger side is worse, I think, but you can do it - did mine in an hour, on my back, last January, like 12 degrees, so I went as fast as I could. Much easier than an IAC on a 93-96, THAT is a joke.
I thought people looked at me funny for covering my baseball glove with shaving cream and throwing it in the oven for a few......
O2 sensor

Actually oven cleaner will work perfectly for cleaning carbon fouled O2 sensors. The O2 sensor works on the same principal as a battery, when they run out of electrolytic they will not function, but they will give erratic voltage because of contamination. Soak with oven cleaner, spray of with electrical contact cleaner and blow dry.
Do you think car manufactures, and O2 manufactures are going to give you cheap fixes?? they want you to spend $80+ for the sensor and $100+ for installation.
Its one of the main sensors that determines the a/f ration and you replace them every what 70k? Spending $140 every 70k is just fine with me. Don't drive if you can' afford to maintain your car.

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