i've been having this check engine light on and off for about 3 1/2 weeks. it went on one time and i took it to an auto place down the street and he said it was the bank 1 sensor 1, something like that. then i went to autozone for a second opinion and they said the same thing, oxygen sensor. i figured it was the gas i was putting in cause when i first got it, i just put in regular gas. the guy told me to put in premium 91+. i did this and the check engine light went away. a week later it came back on so went back to the autozone and they did the code reading and it said the same thing. so i put in a injection cleaner and put in better gas and it went away. this was a week ago. now the check engine light came on again and im guessing its the same thing. i didnt get a read yet but im pretty sure it is. so im just going to get the sensor replace but i dont want to pay for it if i can easily do it myself. I searched but I didn't find a topic about this, but can anyone tell me how I can replace an driver side O2 sensor myself? or know a place where they will do it if I buy the part at like Autozone or something? any help is appreciated