Then why do you constantly post it?
Here you go making accusations you cannot back up with fact again
What you do is make baseless claims and outrageous demands requiring much busywork for whomever you're arguing with - and then when they don't comply you call them names or whine about being personally attacked. That's lazy and amateurish.
Where have I done this? Lazy is introducing an opinion that is unjustified or making a claim, and then telling the other party to go find supporting facts.
Oh, so we're keeping track of post by post civility now? Funny, because you like to dredge up the past whenever it's convenient for you, as an excuse to be nasty yourself.
I find it funny that you continue to make these accusations since you are afraid of facing the issues.
I guess there's a
double standard: When FIND decides he wants to be snarky, he says he's responding in kind to ANY time anybody else has been snarky to him. But if you call him out for being generally snarky, he demands to know how he was snarky just in the last five minutes.

Yes, anytime somebody disagrees with you or is critical of your argument, it's a personal attack.
You keep making the accusations. What a wonderful ad nauseum argument.
"Ad nauseam" arguments are logical fallacies relying on the repetition of a single argument to the exclusion of all else. This tactic employs intentional obfuscation, in which other logic and rationality is intentionally ignored in favour of preconceived (and ultimately subjective) modes of reasoning and rationality.
"But admin, he said I used TEH STRAW MANZ!!1!!!ONE11!!ELEVENTY1!!!!"
Want a tissue?

If you can't take it, don't dish it out so much. Or, keep crying wolf about being attacked personally, and nobody will ever take you seriously, not even the mods, because your wittle emotions are on a hair trigger.
When have I complained to the mods? I would REALLY love to see you justify your statements.
Hell, the amount of time you spend whining about people picking apart your arguments and/or 'personally attacking you' could easily be spent doing a little researching and coming up with a decent argument. I guess you've decided you want to be 'Type A' instead of 'Type B' - argumentative and petulant.
You really need to familiarize yourself with the term
Ad Hominem. Any argument I have entered, I am generally quite familiar with what I am talking about. Stating ad nauseum that I am not is not going to change that fact.
You routinely introduce a 'false choice' - either 'proof' or it's a 'baseless opinion'.
Either it is a fact or it is not. If you do not offer proof or reasoning to support your opinion then the opinion stands with no grounds. Do you understand the definition of baseless?
Despite the fact that evidence has been introduced in several other discussions to back up every point I've made, you dismiss any of it because it doesn't meet your nebulous standard of proof, whatever that is. It's called 'moving the goalposts' - and it indicates a lack of honesty on your part.
I'd love to see you back this claim up.
You demand proof but then dismiss evidence as baseless opinion or hearsay without even addressing the evidence directly - while at the same time linking duplicated articles (literally FILLED with hearsay) as supposed 'mountains of evidence' and sarcastically dismissing all arguments to the contrary.
I linked duplicate articles so that no one would say it is just "liberal media". Those articles are not hearsay. Besides, in my post, I stated why I felt that the statements by the senator were unreliable.
This comes across very clearly as the position that you have no interest in an actual debate on any subject, but only in harassing and nitpicking someone until they give up talking to you, and then claiming victimhood.
Yeah.... not so much. I love how you guys accuse me of having no interest in actual debate just because I don't share your opinions. Perhaps you should try a dictionary out. You really must not understand what debate is.
That's what foxpaws does. It's another form of ad nauseum.
You don't know what ad nauseum arguments are do you? Well, at least you are good at ad hominem arguments.
I've known Shag for a long time, and he rarely gives up talking to someone, and only does so when they demonstrate a lack of interest in the topic being discussed, in favor of annoying, snarky, ankle-biting behavior.
All I asked was justification for claims. Seems to me every time I ask for that, or disagree, I am subject to ad hominem attacks. You can state this all you want, but ad nauseum argumentation does not work. If your argument had any merit, you would be addressing the issues, not attacking me. Same with shag.
It's pathetic, really, how unaware you are of your own hypocrisy in the matter. However, based on your current track record, I doubt that you will be introspective enough to respond in any manner other than immature and petulant. But calling me or Shag a 'poopy head' doesn't win you the argument despite your constant bleatings.
As I've said before - futilely - the ball's in your court.
Then why don't you attempt to enlighten me instead of just making accusations. As I have told you repeatedly, I would LOVE to see you attempt to justify your claims.