Cal - who is sitting with Obama - your post talks about Ayers then the photo... but it isn't Ayers in the photo. Or is it just good to make sure you show Obama with a person that appears of Arab descent - guilt by association right?
No, it's the picture that the Wiki Columbia website has of Obama in
1981. The guy isn't arab either, he's a Pakistani, Sohale Siddiqi.
I'm not sure what "guilt" that would associate.
Are you projecting your motivations on me again?
If you chose to not answer or lie, that's telling as well.
I don't work for any political party.
What a very precise answer.
Very specific, but not very complete.
You don't work for a political party.
But that doesn't mean you aren't working for, or with, and organized political organization. You certainly aren't obliged to answer this, but you have stated before that you're on the boards of several "charities," I wonder which ones they are and who they are aligned with.
Is it really difficult to think that you might "enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action?"
I was asked by someone who was going to work for the Tea Party Nation if I would join him, I said no. Eventually he didn't take the job either.
Conflict of interest?
So, we get to listen to this sort of whimpy complaints - and than watch them get turned into irrational fear mongering... just like Foss did?
Again- you equated Big Time with the disruptive, often violent, protests that are associated with the left.
Perhaps it's a little unsettling for a group of well behaved, normal people who aren't accustomed to political dissent or agitating, to see such a strong presence activated, seemingly in response to them.
Just call them naive.
Cal, the tea party is doing the very same thing if they take something that is very typical when you protest where the president is (police presence, in riot gear) and turn it into something that it isn't. This isn't the president calling in the riot squad on old people. It is the way security is handled around the president. If they cry wolf on this, people will label the tea party as 'fringe' and 'liars'.
So you're calling them "fringe' and "liars" so that other people won't call them "fringe and liars." You must be calling them these names and maligning them out of the goodness of your own heart.
Eventually that can be as damaging as getting in the face of the cop that is telling you to get out of the street and onto the sidewalk.
No it isn't.
Can you see why I didn't want the job?
Yeah, because you're an authoritarian statist, why would you want to associate with an organization that is going to have Andrew Breitbart speaking at their next event.
But with all of this said, I do agree with the truth of your comment.
The little riot team that walked down the street wasn't deployed directly by Obama or anyone in his organization.
However, that IS a stronger response than I have seen at political events or around protests in the recent past.
What do I attribute that to?
I do attribute that to the administration because they have labeled the "Tea Party" groups as radical and potential terrorists, and as such, the local and feds cops are ordered to respond with the appropriate display of force and readiness.